Updated Rifle Build thru INVADED FEDERAL EMERGENCY BUNKER / 22-10-24 /#Gameplay #Division2

21 hours ago

The Diamondback exotic is a MONSTER during the Guardian global event. Anyway, this build is similar to past Diamondback rifle builds but with two tweaks... I exchange a Grupo Obliterate chest piece for a Grupo Headhunter chest piece. And I switch the Virginian named rifle for the White Death named marksmanship rifle.

As can be seen in the video, these tweaks allow the build to chain Headshot kills while using the White Death. But, if the kill chain gets broken, then you can use the Diamondback rifle to fight normally. If enemies are within 20 meters, then Diamondback can easily attain 100% critical hit chance through its own unique talent. If enemies are beyond 20 meters, then Coyote's Mask pushes the Diamondback's critical hit chance close to 60%, the normal maximum CHC for all weapons.

There is a small reduction in damage from switching out the Obliterate chest piece, but headshot kills will make up the difference in damage inflicted.


Main Weapon: Diamondback (CHC 3rd Attribute)
Secondary Weapon: The White Death (DTOOC 3rd Attribute)
Pistol: The Harvest

Mask: Coyote's Mask (CHC)(CHD)(CHD)(Red Core)
Chest: Grupo Sombra (Weapon Handling)(CHD)(CHD)(Ref Core)(Headhunter)
Holster: Zwiadowka Holster (CHC)(CHD)(Blue Core)
Backpack: Zwiadowka Backpack (CHC)(CHD)(CHD) (Red Core)(Unspeakable Force)
Gloves: Eagle's Grasp (CHD)(Blue Core)
Kneepads: Fox's Prayer (CHD)(Blue Core)

Striker Shield / Crusader Shield
Revive Hive

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