Episode 44 Lue Elizondo Part 5 - Ultraterrestrials

3 months ago

Today we go back to into Lue Elizondo and his book Imminent to get a taste of what Lue learned from Hal Puthoff. We start the show talking about a video response that Graham Hancock made to his debate with Flint Dibble on Joe Rogan's Podcast. We also watch the trailer for Graham Hancock's new season of Ancient Apocalypse on Netflix. We talk for a while about a new Jesse Michels video in which he interviews Lue Elizondo. Drew shares a clip of Elon musk talking about UFOs and saying that they are government technology. We of course get our weekly Bashar clip in. This time he's talking about ascension.

As we dig into the main topic, we cover Lue meeting Hal Puthoff in a SCIF. Hal shares some interesting info with him starting, "Well… it all goes back to Roswell in 1947". Lue covers a handful of UFO cases he learned about during this period including the Washington DC sighting, a UFO over a football match in Italy that brought the game to a halt and numerous examples of UFOs messing with nukes. We start reading a paper written by Hal Puthoff titled "Ultraterrestrial Models" which talks about all the possibilities outside of UFOs just being extraterrestrials from another planet. We don't finish the paper so expect an episode next week where we finish it. Enjoy!

0:00:00 - Intro

0:01:38 - Graham Hancock Fact Checking Flint Dibble


Joe Rogan Experience #2136

Atlantis, Ancient Egypt & Graham Hancock's Lost Civilization | Flint Dibble

DeDunking's Channel: Joe Rogan Calls Out Flint Dibble's Fibs w Graham Hancock

0:19:48 - Ancient Apocalypse Season 2 Trailer V

Ancient Apocalypse: the Americas | Official Clip

0:23:08 - Jesse Michels' Lue Elizondo Interview

Furious UFO Whistleblower Spills Secrets (Lue Elizondo interview)

0:25:52 - Elon Musk on UFOs

UAP Files Podcast

0:36:25 - Music Break: Stevie Nader - MF Dream (Acoustic)


0:39:53 - Chris Bledsoe - UFO Shooting Down Missile


0:49:03 - Bashar - Ascending Frequency


0:51:55 - Lue & Hal meeting in a SKIF


1:00:41 - Who is in Charge of the UFO Secret?

1:18:57 - Music Break: Stevie Nader: Grit


1:22:11 - Various UFO Cases

1:28:59 - Project Bluebook & Messing with Nukes


1:38:44 - Hal Puthoff - Ultraterrestrial Models

Hal Puthoff Ultraterrestrial Models:

1:43:01 - Background & Critique of Ufology

Seveneves: https://a.co/d/0FvvGUJ

1:59:44 - Outro

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