Australia-Hatred Personified: Senator Lidia Thorpe

4 hours ago

Senator Lidia Thorpe hates Australia. Obviously, as a politician, she’s taxpayer-funded, so apparently represents all of us. She was elected as a Greens candidate originally, but quit them and became independent in order to pursue black sovereignty. On her website, she talks about the Blak Sovereign Movement. “Sovereignty never ceded. Our Sovereignty does not co-exist with the Sovereignty of the Crown. We are the original and only Sovereigns of these lands. We have never agreed to be governed by the colonial Australian government and we do not acquiesce or surrender now.” –

Oh, she’s a live wire. She has previously given Black Power salutes in parliament. It’s odd, if somebody did the same, but raised their fingers slightly, then suddenly they’ve committed a crime. But for some reason, we allow her version to continue.

When she was originally elected as a Greens Senator (yes, this is actually on the Greens website, “Blak Power” – it’s amazing that society allows this), “White Australia has a Blak future”. These are the people who are supposedly against racism. “Lidia Thorpe – Gunnai Gunditjmara woman”. But if we look at her current X profile, yes she’s Gunnai, Gunditjmara, but she’s also now Djab Wurrung. She seems to have found more ancestry, although she never seems to mention her English and Irish roots. Unsurprisingly, she finishes her profile with another Black Power salute.

Of course, our taxpayer-funded ABC always promote her fist-raising, and always refer to her as a “Gunnai, Gunditjmara and Djab Wurrung woman”, but of course never mentioning her English or Irish ancestry. Unsurprisingly, the BBC do exactly the same. They mention people’s ancestry at every opportunity, unless of course they’re white. Anti-racism at its best, right? “Local media have reported that former co-workers have found her difficult to work with.” No, that can’t be true, can it?

Of course, you’ve probably heard by now that she stormed the Great Hall of Parliament House yesterday as King Charles finished his speech, shouting, “You are not our king! This is not your land! You committed genocide against our people. Give us our land back. Give us what you stole from us — our bones, our skulls, our babies, our people. You destroyed our land. Give us a treaty. We want a treaty in this country. You are a genocidist!” As she exited the hall after being escorted out by security, she yelled: “F**k the colony!”, three times I believe, although some are claiming that she was actually shouting “Fight for equality!” She would never be so disrespectful as to use the F-word in the Great Hall.

We better get this fact-checked by the ABC. “As she exited the hall after being escorted out by security, the Gunnai, Gunditjmara and Djab Wurrung senator yelled: ‘F**k the colony.’”. There you go, it’s settled.

Soon after, she shared a cartoon of a beheaded King Charles. How is this not incitement? How is she not arrested? Why does society keep letting her get away with this? Although, soon after, she deleted the post claiming that it was shared without her permission.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has called for Senator Thorpe to resign following her tirade. He said, “I think there’s a very strong argument for somebody who doesn’t believe in the system, but is willing to take a quarter of a million dollars a year from the system, to resign in principle. If you were truly about your cause and not yourself, I think that’s a decision you would make.” Although Ms Thorpe has shrugged off these calls, saying she’s looking for “justice” not re-election, and that people should “get used to truth-telling”.

Obviously, these stunts won’t do her cause any good, except perhaps harden people’s opinions either way, but the problem is, she keeps getting away with all of it, so of course, she’s going to continue doing it. If she’s able to yell and swear at the reigning king, and perform Black Power salutes willy-nilly in parliament, and there’s no consequence, what will she be willing to do next? It’s questionable whether she even likes this country, but it’s undeniable that she has zero respect for its institutions and structures. Unfortunately, our taxpayer dollars pay the salary of this out of control senator.

Allégro by Emmit Fenn

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