Int 903 with Troy K Eichelberger creator of Humanity Towards Sustainability

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Born 1964 in Bruck/ Mur Austria - moved to Australia in 1986, as a result of injuries that stopped me from continuing my dream to become a professional Hockey player ... I had to go somewhere that I would not be tempted to play again 🙂

I arrived in Sydney in April 1986, after travelling around Australia and working various jobs to support myself, I somehow ended up in Melbourne. I started a small retail chain of five stores, but a divorce and a recession coincided to stop my dreams of turning this small chain into a large franchise.

September 11 somehow hit me .... it made me question what I was doing with my life. In reality I was making money out of thin air, selling advertising space .... this no longer sat well with me. I did not fully leave the publishing sector, but worked from a different angle, I started my own business, Australian Business Concepts and I was doing consulting work to help organisations with under performing revenue streams ... whilst in between contracts returning to the security of a paid job from time to time.

By 2008 I had enough of the outsourcing and short term engagements and I changed the name of Australian Business Concepts to A1 Debt Assistance .... for a while I felt I finally found my calling. I was helping individuals and businesses that often could not afford help ... my business was geared to do almost 80% of my daily work for free - the other 20% was enough to fund my lifestyle ... I didn't set up big offices, I worked from home. Soon A1 became successful and together with my partner at the time, we were putting in big hrs and at times seven days a week. It was a feel good business, we helped people that were at their most vulnerable. As we made it on to the radar of the larger firms, our online security became a constant issue ... not from the perspective of our clients data, but our digital media investment, which was our window to the world ... I knew for some years that this is the universe telling me it is time to move on, I just didn't know where to.

By 2018 I bought "The Farm" .... and here, the journey really begins to get interesting. I entered an experimental lifestyle. All decision had to be made from how it feels in my heart and not how my rational mind would act. This was a result of testing how life turns out if we can position ourselves "with" the stream of energy in which we exist ... the tao. It has been an interesting ride - not everything went well (if one looks from the outside in), but .... against all odds, I have never felt more alive or happy in my heart, then what I have been for the majority of time over the last six years. I had two failed relationships in that time .... that is the heart breaking reality of committing to live in a way that some have no means to understand.

Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) grew from within. I registered the name after securing the global domain name for HTS in April 2022 ... and I have taken the steps that I feel guided to from time to time ... by now, these steps are showing me a most attractive story to serve the natural world and the future of humanity.

I am presently in the worst possible financial position in the entire time at the farm, yet my heart trusts the journey ... I have created many stepping stones of potentialities over the years, now I lay these to compliment the flow that takes HTS to where it is meant to go .... and as a consequence restore my position and create a solid platform to serve purpose.

This morning, I have made the first step to officially contact Rheinmetall in Germany as a Founding Sponsor - addressing their sectors demand to be re-categorised by the EU as a ESG Fund ... they had 356 lobby meetings with the EU in the last two years, chaired by the CEO of Rheinmetall. The ESG fund category would allow the weapons sector to fall under the Environmentally friendly investment class of shares .... their argument, weapons assure peace .... my argument, show how serious you are and fund a genuine peace and environment movement as a Founding Sponsor.

For HTS to achieve its goal, which is a transition away from the present global system and into a system that brings an end to government and the monetary system as we know it, will require substantial corporate investment ... the era of green washing is where HTS will position itself to exploit the present system and fund this transition - I have created a strategy to invest funds to grow a secure platform and global traffic ... this not relying on presently existing platforms to support the HTS content.

HTS website

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