Which has destroyed the lives of more Americans: Iran and Russia, or "worldwide Jew credit card Banks"? Dave Ramsey on the real threat we face, which is debt slavery. "But scared to death to say who the slave masters are"

3 months ago

Here's a really good 2-Part documentary called "The Architect"

(0:42) How Banks Exploit You With Debt
(9:11) How Cash Changes Your Psychology
(19:58) Why Our Leaders Oppress the Poor
(24:49) The Unknown Side Effects of Debt
(28:10) The Lies of “Building Credit”
(32:14) Dave’s Proven Successful Plan to Pay off Your Debt
(53:01) The Student Loan Forgiveness Scam
(1:06:03) Dave’s Key to a Successful Marriage
(1:14:29) The Key to Building Wealth
(1:27:01) Three Things You’re Probably Wasting Money On
(1:41:41) The National Debt Problem
(1:48:49) Kamala Harris’s Economic Plan
(1:53:40) Donald Trump’s Economic Plan
(1:55:50) An Employer’s Moral Obligation to Their Employees

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