2013 Genealogy Fair Federal Penitentiary Records

4 months ago

The National Archives maintains a large number of federal penitentiary inmate case files. These files can be packed with information providing unsurpassed biographical details on the life of its subject. Those who use prison records in their genealogical research will be rewarded with knowledge absolutely unavailable anywhere else on earth. This session will instruct on what records are available, from Alcatraz, to Atlanta, inform on how to locate what inmate files are available, and explain what a researcher can find in these files.

Presentation slides: https://www.archives.gov/files/calendar/genealogy-fair/2013/presentations/Wed1pm-Ersland_Presentation-FederalPenitentiaryRecords.pdf

Presenter biography:
Jake joined the permanent staff at the National Archives at Kansas City as an archivist in 2008 after previously working there as a student hire, contractor and intern. He received both his Bachelor of Arts and Masters in History from Pittsburg State University. Jake oversees holdings maintenance projects, the accessioning of new records, handles reference requests, and writes descriptions of records, as well as performing other miscellaneous duties.

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