WORLD'S LARGEST DEW: The U.S. Is Hiding A Southern Earthquake Weapon! HustleBitch 🎯SEE DESC🎯

1 day ago

NOTE: Tony, I know this is old info for many of you, BUT Many others stil Are Not Aware Of This!
This video is not personalized advice for the viewer.
🚨 WORLD'S LARGEST DEW: Is the U.S. Hiding a South Pole Earthquake Weapon?
On this channel, we have discussed weather modification technologies, large-scale optical illusions in the sky, and Shady organizations that are trying to gobble up all of our land. And yet what I'm going to talk about today might be the scariest topic I have covered so far.
That's exactly why I believe some of you might know about what Raytheon is doing in a US-funded facility situated in the South Pole. And if you don't know, you really should because their actions are not only changing our present but are going to have some drastic effects on our future as well.
But before we even talk about what they're doing in that frozen landscape, let's find out what this facility actually is. And luckily we have someone who has not only worked in this ultra-secret facility but is also willing to talk about it without any fear.
So basically Eric says he was working on behalf of the National Science Foundation and his job took him to the Ice Cube Neutrino Observatory that’s located in Antarctica.
One quick search will tell you that this observatory was developed by the University of Wisconsin–Madison and constructed at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station. Interestingly, this project is a recognized CERN experiment.
The observatory IceCube consists of spherical optical sensors called Digital Optical Modules (DOMs).
And as for why we made an observatory in the middle of nowhere. Well according to their website, the facility was primarily designed to observe neutrinos from the most violent astrophysical sources in our universe.
Now so far this observatory looks like just another one of hundreds of research labs that are located in the South Pole. However, according to Eric the real purpose of this lab is far more sinister than any of us can even imagine.
Now the earthquake he’s talking about took 185 lives in New Zealand and caused billions of dollars worth of damage back in 2011.
I’m sure it sounds like a wild claim but earthquakes seem to be happening more and more often in the South Pole.
In fact, back in 2022, it was reported that there were 85000 earthquakes of different magnitudes in Antarctica in a single year. Of course, it was also reported that this abnormal seismic activity was thanks to an inactive volcano but if Eric’s claims are true then a big chunk of these earthquakes could be a direct result of activities at this observatory.
The continent has also been recognized as a source of mysterious Tsunamis over the years. Looking at all of this, it is not surprising why many people believe a whistleblower who’s telling them why the earthquakes might be happening in the frozen wasteland.
However, producing earthquakes only seems to be one of the functions of this facility. According to Eric, this observatory is also a prime example of a new weapon class.
Now this part of his testimony is not only unsettling but also fascinating in so many different ways.
He’s basically saying that these thousands of digital optical modules or DOMs that are embedded in ice act as a Directed Energy Weapon system. Now what are directed energy weapons you may ask? Well, such a weapon damages its target with highly focused energy without a solid projectile.
These include lasers, microwaves, particle beams, and sound beams.
Such weapons used to be limited to science fiction movies but today they are very real my friends and pretty much all major governments have been trying to develop them.
In fact, we’ve been developing them for years now.
And it’s not just these propaganda videos where you hear about these weapons.
Our very own Secretary of Defense had this to say about these weapons almost 2 decades ago.
And recently companies like Lockheed Martin have been aggressively trying to sell them to interested buyers with marketing campaigns like this one.
Now what makes these weapons so special is the fact that you can destroy a target with extreme accuracy from miles away. And this is exactly why so many people consider them responsible for what happened in Lahaina.
But despite the public mistrust, the Pentagon is now openly saying that it not only has these weapons but also that we need to keep developing more to stay ahead of our adversaries.
Now he also said that this Directed energy system at the Ice Cube observatory might be used to track and communicate with outer space traffic. We will investigate this particular claim in another video but for now, I’ll just say that looking at all the confirmed UFO evidence, I don’t think it’ll be crazy for the government to develop a system to deal with these visitors.
As for how such a high-tech facility is powered, well our whistleblower also has an answer for that.
🎯NOTE🎯 Tony:⛔⛔Viruses DO NOT Exist As Described, And There Is No Such Thing As Herd Immunity! Virus - Contagion IS Just A Theory Taught As Fact, NOT REAL, There Is NOTHING Jumping From Human To Human! We Are MOSTLY Breathing (Explained Below) Also Swallowing Injecting & Getting It On Our Skin, Bacteria Is Something Else, Along With Parasites, Insects, Self Replicating Nanotech, Toxins, Chemicals In The Water Food Meds All Products & ESPECIALLY SPRAYED In The AIR - ChemTrails, 🔷WITH Frequencies From GWEN Towers, So-Called Cell Phone Towers, AirPlane Transmitters, Radio Antenas, Routers, Wifi, Cell Phones, Doppler NEXRAD Radar Microwaving Us Etc Etc Etc! 🔷Used In Tandem (All Together) All The Toxins, Chemicals, Bactiria, Etc, 5G - 6Gen And Beyond & NEXRAD Will CAUSE ALL Of The Respiratory Illnesses And All other Illnesses🔗The Dis-Ease!!! And "THEY" Will Claim PLandemic AGAIN & AGAIN Untill You Break And Submit, Unless You DONT! If You Comprehend The Causes Use other Methods To Detox! Do Your Own Research On Virus Conagion Myth V's Bacterial Or Chemical, Heavy Metal, & Toxins Along With Frequencies, IEEE 802.15.4&6, WBAN(Wireless Body Area Network), Bluetooth, Visible Light Communication, Biosensors, Optogenetics, Psinergy, IOT(Internet Of Things) Surveillance, GWEN & Cell Tower Scalar & Router & Cell Phone Tech, Etc, Etc, 🔷ALSO We know Climate Change Is A Hoax To get You To Comply! "THEY" Are Modifying The Weather Flooding Locations And Burning Everything With DEW's And Poisoning Us And Everything Else! "THEY ARE" Technology Is Waaaay More Advanced Than You Have Been Led To Believe! 🔷ALSO - Earth Is NOT A Spinning Ball, Satalites Are NOT In Fake Space, Its High Altitude Ballons Or Something Else, All Water(Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Etc, ARE Completely LEVEL(Flat), We Can SEE Way To Far In The Right Conditions, The Atmos Is Contained By Something, Etc, Etc, Etc, Etc, That One IS A Really Long Long Long Long Study Before You Acually Comprehend & Accept It! 🔷Its ALL There If You Dare To "LOOK INTO IT"👀⛔⛔
🔻Source: HustleBitch🔻
🔻🔻AetherMedia22 Tony Punch🔻🔻
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