Mr. American Dream - Lyric Video

4 months ago

I was everything everyone asked me to be
Always dressed my word in shades of diplomacy
I straddled that line between left and right
My convictions and I were two ships passing in the night

The year was 2020, the date November 4th
I watched in dismay as votes were shifted back and forth
But they said, “Give it a rest and don’t you dare protest”
Lord knows attorneys would come to be disbarred for less

Now they say, “Oh, dear God, someone please rein him in
He’s going on about the damn election again!”
Then I was told to trust their words instead of my eyes
To ignore the iceberg that caused my whole world to capsize

Now it’s been four years and I’m still stuck in this hell
Seems no amount of revelation will break the spell
I burned my world to ash on a pyre of authenticity
I know my parents always wanted so much more for me
Now they say, “Boy, you’re tearing your future apart at the seams
What ever happened to Mr. American Dream?”
I bid my delusions a bittersweet goodbye
‘Cause the America I thought I knew was just a beautiful lie

And once the greatest theft ever known was carried out
I searched for those who knew what the scheme was all about
But one familiar voice cut through the rest of the noise
And the return of my long lost sister filled an unknown void

Then we embarked on the most heart-wrenching journey I’ve known
To save kids who vanished from their Guatemalan homes
And when I unpacked words can’t express my alarm
To find a tracking bracelet fit for a toddler’s arm

And now they say, “Oh, dear God, someone please rein him in
He’s going on about the missing children again!”
And instead of examining claims of their captivity
They exiled me for spreading conspiracy theories

Now it’s been four years and I’m still stuck in this hell
Seems no amount of revelation will break the spell
I burned my world to ash on a pyre of authenticity
I know my parents always wanted so much more for me
Now they say, “Boy, you’re tearing your future apart at the seams
What ever happened to Mr. American Dream?”
I bid my delusions a bittersweet goodbye
‘Cause the America I thought I knew was just a beautiful lie

The Tribulation has begun
The Beast and the Whore of Babylon
Lay claim to everything here and beyond the great horizon

“Oh, dear God, someone please rein him in
He’s going on about the end of times again
So give him a pair of wings and a trumpet to blow”
Well my voice carries much further than they could ever know

It’s been four years, but now I know who I am
And this is where I stake my claim and make my last stand
They can put me in chains, ill never be more free
‘Cause nothing they do can enslave my authenticity
And all their darkness failed to dim one light inside of me
‘Cause despite it all I still believe in the American dream
And only I set the confines of my reality
So I will write my own happy ending for Mr. American Dream

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