Do Israel’s Jordan Claims Hide A Sinister Secret?

16 hours ago

Right, so Israel and Jordan, a lot of people around the world have a certain amount of disdain for Israel’s immediate neighbour to the East, widely seen as having been allied to Israel in a lot of respects, certainly that has been observed as strikes, notably from Iran against Israel have been intercepted in Jordanian airspace as a for instance, but equally there have been large protests against what Israel has been doing, Jordan’s Queen Rania has been very outspoken in her condemnation of Israel, and of course as I covered in another recent video, Netanyahu pretty much got his backside handed to him on a plate by the Jordanian foreign minister at the UN, rubbishing claims made by Netanyahu at the time that Israel was surrounded by enemies and at that time I thought well perhaps Israel views Jordan as being too neutral and wants to drag them in further to the conflict, to fully pick a side so to speak, being too neutral, too non-committal to Netanyahu’s regime, or was being barracked as being an enemy by default due to it’s neutrality and therefore Israel had basically insulted them. Well a recent development has revealed there may be something more to this, something that may end up forcing Jordan’s hand in picking a side and it may be that Israel is about to make their minds up for them if they aren’t careful.
Right, so Jordan, playing the neutral card is what they’ve been doing whilst Israel has ravaged Gaza certainly and for many people around the world, it’s one of those ‘when good men do nothing’ kind of situations, their neutrality largely being seen as unforgivable in light of the atrocities being committed that are now of course spreading, with Israel having moved into Lebanon, attacking UNIFIL peacekeeping troops there, Irish, Sri Lankan, Indonesian and more nations people having been threatened or hurt as the IDF thinks little of them being in the way of them committing even more genocide now in another country.
Where Jordan has allowed its airspace to be used to defend Israel from missile strikes heading their way, for example, Iran, equally there has been condemnation too, as another example mass protests just two days ago in the Jordanian capital of Amman saw thousands protest, scenes reminiscent of the ones in London.
Criticism has also come from Jordanian politicians, the words of Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, which went ignored by our mainstream media, but which went viral across social media, condemned the regime of Netanyahu utterly, speaking as he was on behalf of the 57 states that make up the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation at the UN, attacking Netanyahu’s woe is me attitude, his professional victim status sales pitch to the world, when Jordan, an immediate neighbour has been largely no such thing to the point many around the world have attacked Jordan for not doing nearly enough here.
Well that stance of Jordan’s going forwards may well be untenable, in fact I’m certain it is, a point I’ll come back to in a moment, but for those critical of Jordan’s position thusfar, it’s worth looking at why they took that stance.
Politically and geographically, Jordan is in a very unenviable position right now, they are literally the one nation caught between a rock and a hard place, as they border Israel and the West Bank to their West, their Western border being the River Jordan itself, the river from that infamous adage from the river to the sea, but to their East, they border Syria and Iraq, both nations with militant groups that are part of the Iranian Axis of Resistance and of course beyond Iraq further East is Iran itself, so Jordan lying in the flight path of missiles launched from Iran on Israel. Taking a neutral stance therefore, given who is on either side of them, you might appreciate a little bit why they’ve thought that’s the best policy. The trouble is, as much as staying out of it might be fine by many of these more involved state actors, it isn’t for Israel and Israel are plotting away over this.
You see whilst the Jordanian monarchy and government might be playing the neutral card, many of their own people aren’t because they come for a diverse array of different backgrounds and they are very much taking positions, especially when you consider roughly half of Jordan’s population of some 11 million people are of Palestinian descent, descendants of those who fled to Jordan during the Nakba or are refugees from Iraq and Syria, so you can imagine that is a lot of people with very anti Israel sentiments and the recent success of the right wing Islamic Action Front Party, very anti-Zionist as they also are, bears that out somewhat, they won a fifth of parliamentary seats in last months Jordanian General Election, though of course in Jordan the ultimate arbiter of rule is the King, Abdullah II.
On the opposite flank more pro Israel is the Jordanian intelligence service, the mukhabarat. This already has links to Israeli intelligence, Mossad and to western intelligence services too, the Jordanian mukhabarat largely brought into being with the help of MI6, so perhaps not surprising that just like the overtly Zionist west, this western creation in large part is as well.
Coming back to King Abdullah though, he’s been on the throne for 25 years and for all of that time, he’s sought to balance the tensions of Israel against those of Iran and by extension Iran’s allies, caught in the middle of that as Jordan is and indeed divided along those separate lines as Jordan is. On one hand Abdullah has been warning for decades about Iranian expansionism and the spread of their beliefs across a wider part of the Middle East, as has the mukhabarat been making similar opining’s, but then equally he will allow his wife Queen Rania to slam the Israeli regime for the genocide they are carrying out, to the point even she has been accused of being an antisemite, but then she is also Palestinian so of course she would be called such and of course all the protests that have happened in Jordan have been allowed to carry on too, which actually is rather unusual, because Jordan fear an increase in the popularity of the Muslim Brotherhood by allowing such things to take place.
But the balancing act of Abdullah is going to collapse and we’re already seeing the first signs of that.
Israel have now come out and said that Jordan is at risk of being destabilised not by them of course, but by Iran. The two shooters who crossed the border dressed as Jordanian soldiers, taken out by the IDF as they were, which itself followed the attack five weeks ago of another Jordanian who crossed into Israel and killed three Israelis.
Israel have attempted to sell a story of these latest two gunmen as being Israeli, however the Muslim Brotherhood, who are represented by that now slightly larger party in Jordanian government, the Islamic Action Front Party, as much as Jordanian royalty fears such things, claimed they were their men. This is dissent growing in Jordan, but that doesn’t make for a very convenient narrative for Israel does it? They can destabilise Jordan themselves by claiming Jordan is being destabilised by Iran instead. No longer is the neutral stance of King Abdullah going to be good enough for Israel clearly.
As far as this situation progressing goes, we’ve now got two options in my view, neither of which bode well for Jordan at Israel’s hands and such is the sinister motivations implied by this video’s title and actually one of these options actually leads into the other happening anyway, it’s whether this first bit comes to pass first I suppose.
Anyway, the first option, is a plan which is often shortened to just saying Jordan is Palestine. What this means has been floated in a couple of different ways, but Netanyahu’s Likud Party has fronted it as them annexing the West Bank for Israel, much as we suspect we’re beginning to see in the north of Gaza as Israel is basically conducting an extermination there now of all Gazans, but the same happening in the West Bank so there is no more Palestine in Israel, but it’s all in Jordan. No Palestine West of the River Jordan, by basically declaring Jordan to be Palestine on the East bank of the River Jordan instead. Fundamentally this would be delivered in much the same way as we’re seeing Israel conduct itself in northern Gaza, the Palestinian people can leave or die. It’s even been passed in the Knesset, that Israel opposes any Palestinian state on any land West of the River Jordan, it passed by 68 votes to just 9, when of course that is not a decision Israel has any right to take.
The second part of this, whether Palestine becomes established in Jordan or not, is that Israel still wouldn’t leave matters like that.
The can of worms for a Greater Israel has now been opened and by destabilising Jordan, it gives Israel the cue to move on with them. Here’s the map of Greater Israel, for so many years regarded as little more than a conspiracy theory, you now have Israeli ministers openly calling for it and it’s no good Israel not having an excuse to conquer Jordan, because it's an integral part of these plans. Taking out Lebanon just to the north of Israel as we’re seeing Israel doing now, invading, might give them access to more of Syria and part of Turkey, but it is only through Jordan that Iraq and the north of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait become accessible.
This might seem to many to still be completely fanciful that Israel would never do this, not be able to, there’s no way the world would fund it, but exactly where are the brakes being applied on them? Even if things do not spread to this extent, why are Israel so keen to destabilise Jordan in which case, with their claims of Iranian intrusion, despite King Abdullah having for decades called out the idea of Iranian expansionism, as if he would allow it in his own country, it’s literally why he shuts down protest as a rule because of the Muslim Brotherhood. It makes no sense, but then, looking at Israel does anything?
The threat of Jordan exists only in the heads of some paranoid Israelis in positions of power the war of words is beginning, we know where it goes from there, but what do you think? Will Israel leave Jordan alone, will Jordan start taking threats of a Greater Israel and the consequences that means for them, or is it still conspiracy theorism? Do let me know in the comments.
Some in Jordan certainly aren’t backing down as this video recommendation aforementioned earlier will tell you all about as your suggested next watch and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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