OOPS! BUSTED! Imposter Mike Gimson 1984 stole dialogue from DIAC READ DESCRIPTION

4 months ago

Hey, 666j1, I read your comment that said, and I quote, "Has these accusations you're making here been fact checked by authoritative third party fact checkers?" Well, first of all, speaking of fact checking, YOU never fact checked anything Jeff or Mike Gimson 1984 said about me, not once. You blindly believed everything they said without question, no fact checking whatsoever, as if everything they said is indisputable gospel, like the story of Moses. Second of all, the accusation that you openly support discrimination against the disabled doesn't NEED to be fact checked because it's the truth. When imposter Mike Gimson 1984 posted on his community tab that he condones businesses refusing to serve or seat guests with autism, which is blatant illegal discrimination, you posted a comment implying you AGREED with his post, and therefore, by AGREEING with his post, that proves you DO, in fact, openly support discrimination against the disabled, which means the accusations are TRUE, and therefore, no fact checking is needed

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