if that really was your sentiment you'd act a lot different

4 months ago

this process is pretty authentic but i don't think i'm that original
being original is next to impossible
sometimes i'm disgusted, other times i'm in awe of myself
you can't say anything w/out sounding like a racist
God is inside me n i trust Him completely
people lost the meaning a long time ago
whatever they know they love to let it show
i try to do the opposite of the suicidal society that i live in
my hands are clean but my urine most definitely ain't
i don't like to hold things in my hand that make me less likely to understand myself
start the day off smarter w/ fake news
smartest thing you could do would be to ditch the technology that has retarded you
most are not in this position to be a contrarian
i watch myself every day all day
living glitch is correct
i took it as a compliment even tho it was intended to be an insult
smoothie mouth or die
most of the time i'm pretty motivated to do this but i require breaks from the internet
it's all about to boil over
passive aggressive people always require validation
that was the best analogy damnit
cats are very selfish, it's always about them
they weren't honking at me, it's rare i know
a lotta the time i don't really have much to say to people that leave comments
ran two red lights today
it's cool the dude next to me ran that red light too
if i don't have to engage w/ somebody that i don't like i just won't
luckily this person is emotionally mature enough to work w/ me n not be a bitch
i was absolutely right once again
transactional relationships are typically terrible
you like how my shirt says MJ
it's just like high school, we never get over that do we
my brain isn't wired to enjoy drama cos i always hated school
the smartphone will never encourage personal growth
it's ridiculously easy to be brainwashed living in america
much easier to pretend to enjoy being indoctrinated

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