The Gospel Of The Tribulation-NOW THE END BEGINS-OCT 20 2024

8 hours ago

One of the needless things that Christian fight over is the concept of there being more than one gospel in the Bible, I say it’s needless because it’s an issue that is quickly cleared up with a generous application rightly dividing of scripture. But since a majority of Christians don’t apply 2 Timothy 2:15 on a regular basis, or honestly don’t even know what it is, you wind up with fights and arguments that are, as previously stated, needless. Tonight we look at the unique gospel of the Tribulation that will be in full effect, and word of warning, you can lose it. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, Paul’s gospel has been in effect for just about two thousand years now, Paul calls it “my gospel” because it was given to him exclusively, and is not like Matthew, Mark or Luke’s gospel. The gospel of John stands apart from the first three, and is very much in line with Paul’s gospel that we call the gospel of the grace of God, and/or the gospel of the Kingdom of God. But no matter how you deal the cards, these are very different gospels we are talking about. In the 7-year time of Jacob’s trouble that includes the 3.5 year great Tribulation period, people who find themselves there will absolutely have to have faith in Jesus Christ, and absolutely have to have works to back that faith up. In Paul’s gospel, and in John’s gospel, no works are required for salvation. The differences could not be more clear! Join us as we ‘rightly divide’ away any and all confusion on the subject of dispensational salvation.

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