During COVID, America had the highest body count of any country in the world.

3 months ago

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: "During COVID, America had the highest body count of any country in the world. We had 16% of the COVID deaths in our country. We only have 4.2% of the world's population. There's countries, you know, we were told Haiti is gonna get wiped out by COVID because they're not gonna be able to afford the vaccine. Nigeria is gonna be wiped out. That's what Bill Gates and Fauci told us. Well, guess what?

Haiti had a 1.3% vaccination rate, 1.3%. We had like an 87% here. Nigeria had 1.4% vaccination rate and Haiti had 14 deaths from COVID per million population. We had 300. Haiti had 13 deaths per million population. So we had 200 times the death rate.

We're dying at 200 to 300 times the rate as blacks in Haiti, the poorest country in the hemisphere. And when CDC was asked about why do we have the highest death rates, they said it's not our fault. It's because Americans are so sick. They have all these chronic diseases. And the people who died from COVID were people who were obese. They had diabetes. They had asthma and autoimmune diseases and we have great, that's what we have.

The average death from COVID, according to CDC, had 3.8 chronic diseases. So it was the chronic disease that was killing them. It was chronic disease that took them to the top of the cliff and they're hanging there with their, by their fingernails and COVID came and stepped on their fingers and dropped them off.

But it wasn't the COVID that was killing them. COVID did not kill healthy people. It killed unhealthy people. And we have the unhealthiest people in the world. And that's why we had the highest death rate. And why is our country, which has the highest, which had the best healthcare system in the world when I was a kid, why are we at the worst health of any country on earth?

And 77% of our kids today are ineligible for military service because of poor health. This is a national security issue, but it's also, it's sinking us economically. Five times our military budget. This is what's bankrupting our country more than anything else."

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