Cult Of The Medics – David Whitehead -- Full Series Up to Date

5 hours ago

**Please take the time to watch this. Watch it in pieces. It is an Eye Opener. If you know someone who still believes that Big Pharma has their best interests, share this with them.

What is a Cult?

A Cult – is an organization that thrives on maintaining strict harmonious beliefs in attitude, opinions and behavior, any discord and dissonance is avoided at ALL costs to maintain a false dogma; truth telling is defamed, the result is Cognitive Dissonance.

A Cult will exhibit excessive devotion or dedication to some person, idea or thing, employing unethically manipulative techniques of persuasion and control.

Any of this sound remotely familiar these days?

The cult will work in lockstep to achieve their goals.

Why are so many people Sick, Unmotivated, Anxious, Depressed, Suicidal, Maimed, Drugged up and Dumbed Down?

Why is our Overall Health in such Decline?

With all the “Healthy Vaccines” we have now days, one would think that we would be one healthy society.

Could there be a group of people – a cult – that is profiting off of our ignorance?

We are living in the “Age of Science” but yet our overall health is DECLINING.

Who funds the Medical Industrial Complex?

Who owns Mainstream and Social Media?

Are those promoting Depopulation actually serious? If yes, how would they do this?

Are we heading for a Great Awakening or a Great Reset?

If this even a Human Agenda or is there something “Alien” behind this all?

Get ready to learn about the most Ancient and Powerful Cult – The Cult of the Medics.

Most of the doctors are involuntary participants in this cult, they simply believe their medical education and are unknowingly working for & with the cult.

So they are in the club but not IN the club, so to speak.

David Whitehead has created this Docu-Series – “Cult Of The Medics” and he does and EXCELLENT job of answering these questions and going over the Power Behind the Curtains and the purpose they may have.

Learn the Dark Forces behind the Medical Industrial Complex – the flat out evil scams that these cults devise to make the public sick and make them think that they they need DRUGS to aid with their illnesses. It’s a big sham. It’s FAKE science.

Big Pharma has extreme power and they are the number 1 lobbyist in the entire world affiliated with all governments.

They have an incredible criminal track record and most still believe in them and continue to purchase their toxic drugs.

This series will WAKE your asses up. It does Justice and answers questions to why things are so backwards, inverted and upside down.

We are being MADE Sick. It is a HUGE SHAM.

This is all steering people towards “The Great Reset.”

They want us watching their show. They want us divided. They want us trusting them. They want us believing that we need them. They don’t want us thinking for ourselves.

What’s the Solution?

We need to do just the opposite. We need to start thinking for ourselves and realize we don’t need them at all. We need to wake up and see that they only want to harm us.

We are a minority right now, but history reveals that it was always the minorities that made the greatest changes.

More and more are waking up to the Big Pharmaceutical Scam.

People are realizing that all those pharmaceutical tv ads are nothing but lies – when they are reading off the list of side effects and they have the “patients” smiling – don’t ya think that is a Red Flag?

We will win this battle between dark and light – light is now exposing them like they have never been exposed before.

About This Series:

This series is an on-going investigation into the modern medical industrial complex, how it operates, and examines its ancient and occult origins.

Be prepared for some massive dot-connections, red-pill moments, and a 40,000 foot view of the goings-on in today's human experience.

By the time you have watched these 10 parts – you will say “Oh Sh*t.”

Because there is really no other conclusion, it’s obvious the Medical Industry has nothing to do with Health.

In fact, it’s about making you “Unhealthy.”

This may come as to a major slap in the face and shock the hell out of the Pro-vaxxers, the Drug lovers, the hypochondriacs and those who believe that health can only be achieved by constant medical intervention by drugs, surgeries and vaccines – those who think that the medical field and medical “science” is their personal savior.

These beliefs still likely represent how the majority of the people believe in the USA.

The Medical Industrial Complex is the Enemy!

Health is an inside job, it is a daily view of living, and making good choices.

Sickness can be healed it doesn’t need constant “treating” with drugs.

About David Whitehead:

David Whitehead is the host of the TruthWarrior Podcast, and co-host of the Unslaved Podcast with Michael Tsarion.

David is a full-time independent researcher/journalist and martial artist, and weaves in philosophy, ancient occult knowledge, alt history, and consciousness studies in his work.


1. JediSleeveEye --

2. Cult of Medics Website --


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END. 10/25/2024 – 9:00 PM

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