Reports Of P Diddy Sexual Assault & Other Sodomy Experts

7 hours ago

VAT - Veterans Activist Of The DECADE - Ryan Thompson - faithfully and tirelessly fighting for the rights, health and safety of Homeless Veterans while exposing government & VA Corruption At Every Turn. -

Grandpa 👴 Tom Trefts. VAT.

Subject: Recent News About The Soldiers Home In Our Nation's Capital Of Veteran Homelessness
The second interviewee, James Herrera, is a two-time Purple Heart Recipient; born and raised in the Disabled-Veteran-Founded City of Sawtelle, to a multi-generational family of Combat Veterans.  Sawtelle was annexed by the City of Los Angeles in the 1920's during the City's midnight raid upon Sawtelle's Hall of Records; not long after developer Abbot Kinney successfully lobbied to unconstitutionally bar disabled Veterans Right to Vote in California.
Given several years of my direct personal witness to the behaviors of some addressed in the "to" field of this email; including times they weren't aware I was (lawfully) listening - I'm inspired to share the aforementioned Facts about James' service to preempt any ignorant misperception or ridicule of his slow, thoughtful, heartfelt and true statements.
To expand on points made by the first interviewee, Veteran David Echevarria and the third interviewee, Veteran and Soldiers Home Domiciliary Resident Eric - about President Joseph Biden, Senator Maxine Waters, Congressman Ted Lieu, Congresswoman Judy Chu, Congressman Brad Sherman, Senator Karen Bass, Mayor Eric Garcetti and their respective staff; working so hard on The Taxpayers' dime to ensure no Veterans know they are at the Soldiers Home in Our Nation's Capital of Veteran Homelessness until they are gone; and coming up with excuses that Veterans who are disabled and homeless in Los Angeles are not "their" Veterans - as "their" answer to the question of why they would not let Veterans attend a speech by the Government at those Soldiers' Home, amid inviting the most entry-level construction crew of what's illegally and unethically ripping up that home at great Taxpayer expense, including the Soldiers' Home main hospital parking lot and historical Palm Grid, to deliver Olympic spectators and downtown Brentwood shoppers by the thousands...

Those Public Officials' "answer" to those who readily risked their lives anywhere on Earth, to demonstrate their loyalty and good faith in Our Good way of Government that is now so corrupted by the aforementioned Public Officials.
If Veterans go anywhere on Earth to risk their lives without question in good faith of the politicians who Ordered them there, are repeatedly disabled doing so, return home to be spat upon by college students who don't even know it's the politicians who dispatched the draftees; to then witness the politicians they continue honoring in timely payment of hard-earned income as Tax, demonstrating little more affinity for disabled Veterans than Strom Thurmond did for African Americans, while their Soldiers Home that is Deed-Restricted for Our Federal Government to permanently maintain only as a Home for disabled and unemployed Veterans; is criminally destroyed and redeveloped without remorse by the Racket lining those politicians' campaign pockets... If those Veterans can withhold their pain, disability, loss and anguish, long enough to step in front of a camera at their Home they aren't invited to; and so eloquently inform us of the most obvious crimes the aforementioned politicians readily know about... Then despite any threat of traffic and a failed Homeland Security Disinformation Board - We The People can stand up and share a fraction of those Veterans burden, to inform the Public of truths that matter most, in defense against the continued theft of billions in Our Taxes spent to support those Veterans, at their West Los Angeles VA Soldiers HOME, instead of Our Public Streets where even now they are Cruelly and Unusually Punished from sheltering upon when left with nowhere else to survive; and never, ever stop - until our FBI demonstrates it's no longer Hoover's Agency, by ensuring Public Corruption at the West Los Angeles VA Soldiers Home has its' own tiny shed, yet one with a sink and toilet that is not so flammable.
Ryan Thompson

US Veteran Let's Loose on Arizona Assembly Trying to Shut Down Free Speech

They Will Pay For Their Crimes Against Humanity,

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