The Ultimate Alt Media Boxing Match

4 months ago

Its Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast -
Jasun Horsley -

The king of authentic alt-media vs. A truthseeker who did all the psychdelics and read and performed all the Aleister Crowley magickal rituals so you don't have to.

I review their 2nd debate podcast - [The Higherside Chats] Jasun Horsley | Agents Of The Second Matrix, Traumagenesis, & Prisoners of Infinity #theHighersideChats via @PodcastAddict

Its valuable to me because, I too, am critical of how conspiracy/occult/political alt-media has degraded into just more toxic entertainment posing as progress.

Greg is successful because he correctly treats his show as an entertain.ent product but I feel he's deceiving hi.self and others just like network marketers do by saying anyone can be successful following their recipe via subscription. No, only you are like a drug dealer only you sell info drugs.

Jasun is correct to tell young people to go back to pragmatitism but is wrong by displaying a superiority complex, having a depressed voice like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh.

Its just extreme negativity and positivity cancelling each other out and this show is a living symbol of the alt media culture as a whole.

The solution is to add a teaching system to the mystery school system of podcasts, which are lighthouses.

We're the ships and captains in this analogy and we must organize a decentralized alternative to pop cult community governance.

If Jasun has been an author for 30 years but can't get more than 6 people to show up to a livestream, there's an issue. What hope do we have as an audience to this content?

All books have to have a network that manages how the readers employ the value in the book.

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