Know Your Records Researching CourtMartial Records at NARA at St Louis September 26 2024

4 months ago

Researching Court-Martial Records at the National Archives at St. Louis by Kayla Dawkins and Katherine Terry

Kayla is an archives specialist at the National Archives at St. Louis
Katherine is an archives technician at the National Archives at St. Louis

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Courts-martial are trials convened to try members of the armed forces or other countries' prisoners of war (POWs). Records of these trials can cover cases ranging from petty theft to conscientious objection to murder. Our presenters will give a history of court-martial records, examples of record content found at the National Archives at St. Louis, and step-by-step guidance on requesting these publicly available records.

00:00 - Welcome
01:08 - Session overview and presenter biographies
02:45 - Introduction to Court-Martial records and an advisory
03:31 - Origins of Courts-Martial
05:41 - Types of of Courts-Martial records
09:19 - Arrangement and description of Court-Martial records
11:39 - Types of Court-Martial records by branch of service
12:37 - Army/Air Force general and special Courts-Martial
17:14 - Navy and Marine general and special Courts-Martial records
19:18 - Court-Martial records not found at NARA St. Louis
20:55 - Example of Court-Martial records - Battle of Bamber Bridge
22:44 - Example of Court-Martial records - Jackie Robinson
25:28 - Example of Court-Martial records - conscientious objector
27:05 - Example of Court Martial records - Black Women's Army Corps
29:35 - Example of Court-Martial records - German spy
32:47 - Requesting digital copies of of Court-Martial records
33:52 - Planning a visit to St. Louis
35:31 - Closing, Event Survey, Other Resources
36:13 - Questions and answers in the chat


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