Steps to Your Creations

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This is only the meditation for this channel. If you want to listen to the Q&A, please go to the livestream.

To speak of this in a nutshell, the Goddess takes us to an infinite level of expansion in the All That Is; then proceeds to give us steps on how to manifest. When the channel was over, I realized it made me smile. However, the number 1 step for any creation that you may have is 'what does my soul want for me'? This is a significant difference because your human aspect isn't deciding, it's your soul.

In all forms of manifestation, it is essential to experience what you seek to have. The All That Is, is such a wonderful way in which to create. It is as if you can see all potentials at the same time. I believe there were a total of 5 steps that would take you through manifesting what you seek to have.

Full blog here:

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Goddess Light, LLC

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