The March on Washington

4 months ago

This archival video comes from a series of moving images relating to the August 1963 Civil Rights March on Washington from the U.S. Information Agency. The video shows people walking on sidewalks and crowds gathering on the National Mall and singing We Shall Overcome.

Scope & Content:Scenes from Civil Rights March in Washington, D.C., August 1963. People walking up sidewalk; gathering on Mall, standing, singing. Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, crowd gathered on the Mall. People marching with signs, many men wearing UAW hats. People at speakers podium, men with guitars. Crowds outside of the White House, sign: The Catholic University of America. Band, people marching down street. Many signs, including All D.C. wants to vote! Home Rule for DC; Alpha Phi Alpha; and Woodstock Catholic Seminary for Equal Rights. Lincoln Memorial with crowds gathered around reflecting pool. People singing and clapping at speakers platform. Signs, people clapping. Man speaking, woman playing guitar and singing at podium. More speakers and shots of the crowd. A chorus, NAACP men in crowd. Close-ups of people in crowd with bowed heads. Shots taken from above of White House. More speakers, including Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Women at podium singing We Shall Overcome. Crowd swaying, singing, holding hands.

The video file is available for download at:

Full Title: March on Washington, The, 08/1963

Creator: U.S. Information Agency.(1982 - 10/01/1999) (Most Recent)

Series: Moving Images Relating to U.S. Domestic and International Activities , compiled 1982 - 1999, documenting the period 1942 - 1999

Record Group 306: Records of the U.S. Information Agency, 1900 - 2003

Production Date: 08/1963

Contact(s):National Archives at College Park - Motion Pictures (RD-DC-M), National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
Phone: 301-837-3540
Fax: 301-837-3620

National Archives Identifier:49737
Local Identifier:306.3394

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