Tikus Temple, a relic of the Hindu-style Majapahit kingdom

3 months ago

The shape of the Tikus Temple, which is a landmark, has invited debate among historical and archaeological experts regarding its function. Some experts are of the opinion that this temple is a Lightning (bathing place for the royal family), but other experts are of the opinion that the building is a place to store and distribute water for the needs of the Trowulan residents. It could be that both opinions are correct, the physical form of the temple has 7 towers which can symbolize 7 mountains and the highest symbolizes the holy mountain Mahameru, there is a tower which is used as a place of prayer to purify the water in the lightning. Some archaeologists are of the opinion that the water in the Lightning Pool was considered Tirta Amerta (water of life/holy water/water of immortality) by the Hindu community at that time. Tirta Amerta is the water of life which in the story is produced from Samudra Mantana, the churning of the ocean to produce the water of life / Tirta Amerta.
Observing the jaladwara (water fountain) in the Lightningtan which is in the shape of flowers and Makara, we can see how high the artistic value is contained therein. In the 13th to 14th centuries, our nation's ancestors were able to create works of art that had very high taste. Only a large and superior nation is capable of producing works like that

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