TGW: X-Men Legends II: Rise Of Apocalypse Jungle Canal

4 months ago

In this episode of X-men legends 2, the new team Cyclops, Iceman, and Jean-Grey, explore the savage lands to see what could be found, they speak to Professor-X wondering WHY Apocalypse attacked and destroyed the X-mansion, Xavier says it was out of Spite but also to make sure Apocalypse's HQ couldn't be found, The team then find out Mystique went into the Jungles of the Savage lands and never came back, They find Pyro and talk to him, he says Mystique went over to Kazar and spoke to him then went into the Jungle and came back, Pyro ironically says Mystique needs to be watched as she can switch sides very quick, the X-men ask if Pyro had any trouble getting back in the Brotherhood, Pyro says he didn't, leading to the X-men to question why they let him back in so easily, Pyro says it wasn't and that they will be keeping an eye on him. After that, The X-men attend a Mission briefing about Mystique dissapearing in the Jungle after that ends The X-Men head into the Jungle Canal where they meet Mystique, They ask Mystique what she is doing in the Jungle all by herself, Mystique says she's looking for Destiny, because Destiny sensed Apocalypse would start a World War and that the Savage Lands would be Spared, The X-men wonder if Destiny's mutant power is to see into the Future, Mystique sassily says that she'd rather not play twenty questions and instead look for her friend, and so the X-men head off farther into the Jungle they eventually come across a Enemy of the Savage lands who traps the X-men and boasts that the X-men were very easy to Capture, the X-men ask who this person is the villain says their name is "Garrok, God of the sun" The X-men ask what Garrok did with Destiny, Garrok says he "hasn't found her, but she will make a fitting present for Apocalypse" wink wink, a creature behind Garrok creeps up behind him and attacks him, Mystique says Garrok shouldn't "pat himself on the back" and Garrok caught off guard wants to know "What is the meaning of this" Mystique says that since everyone's free they can "defeat Garrok" together. The X-men get into gear and fight Garrok but he proves to be a tough Opponent, since he keeps draining the X-men's health, then Jean-Grey goes down and then Cyclops goes down as well leading to it being only Iceman and Wolverine, Iceman takes out Garrok and the Duo head back to Avalon until Wolverine gets ambushed by Creatures, Iceman gets rid of all the creatures succesfully, now the Duo head back to Avalon, Iceman talks to Angel, and Angel says they are gonna be seeing pretty heavy action soon, Iceman asks why, Angel says Apocalypse's forces are trying to destroy the Atmospheric Generator, Angel says if they destroy those Generators The Savage Lands will head back to their Freezing Temperatures, and so a new mission is on the way, tune in for part 7 of The Savage Lands ;)

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