Joel Sussmann speaks Truth to the Aurora, Ontario city council re 15 Minute Cities! PLEASE SHARE!!

3 months ago

A great speech to the city council in Aurora, Ontario Canada
by Joel Sussmann re the tryanny of 15 minute cities.
Mr. Sussmann receives a standing ovation from those in attendance...not so much from the corrupt ignorant "council". ALL of our Canadian municipal councils are infected with the mind virus. They are either ignorant (not suitable for office) OR complicit (not suitable for office) in this race to harness ALL of our freedoms.

Please share this. Perhaps there are some other brave souls out there who could deliver the same information to their local councils. They are ALL doing the same thing, following the directives of an un-elected group of tyrants from overseas. If we do not fight back, we do not deserve our freedoms. They want to and are taking our lives from us in many, many ways.



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