For Such a Time as This

5 months ago

For Such a Time as This

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: Acts 17:26, John 15:1-17
Trick question – How many commandments are we given in the Bible? Joh 13:34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
In this text, what is the commandment Jesus emphasized?
In this text, what happens if we are at a place where we should, but we don’t bear fruit?
What happens if we do bear fruit?
In ver.15, what is the difference between a servant of Jesus, and a friend of Jesus?

Ver.16 is what has my attention. In the context of which we just talked about I want to emphasize “…I chose you and appointed you…”

This morning what I’m asking the Holy Spirit to do in each one of us is to
re-fill us to overflowing and refocus us to His vision and purpose for us individually and as a church body.

After the resurrection of Jesus, Peter went fishing.
It was there Jesus met the disciples and invited them to a fish bake.

While there, as Jesus interacted with Peter and re-focused him.
On the day of Pentecost, we see the results of being filled with the Holy Spirit and being refocus, - Peter preaches and 3,000 people gave their lives to God.

Chapter 3 as Peter and John were on the way to the temple to pray, they saw a lame man and what happened?
How many times must they have passed this man before this day?
Act.3:2 “…laid daily at the gate of the temple…”

Because Peter was filled and refocused, Peter saw in the Spirit what he hadn’t seen before. We want this!
“God, show us what You want us to see in Seeley Lake that we haven’t seen before.”

Remember in Esther 4, Mordecai told Esther “… who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
Had God chosen Esther for that time and place?

Ac 17:26 NIV –“…he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.”
God has chosen each one of us for the area He has placed us in.
Strategically placed and positioned and anointed for His purpose.

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