Step Three ~ 6-day Liver Cleanse Protocol

4 months ago

6-day Liver Cleanse Protocol to be performed after the 6 Day Colon Cleanse

STEP ONE ~ 6-day Colon Cleanse Protocol

We are now dealing with Plasmids in Genetically Weaponised Bacteria, Yeast and E. coli, Trans-Spliced Deadly Venoms, Blue Light Emission, EMF’s (5g and more), CRISPR Technology, Lipid Nanoparticles, GENE Drive and Self Assembling Nanotech with Payloads within our Water treatment facilities, Food supply and Air. Not forgetting a constant onslaught of harmful Frequencies and the genocidal Gene Therapy Shots.

Over the coming weeks we will relay step-by-step guides teaching how to Tap into Your Self-Healing Mechanism. This process will include how to remove, detoxify and deactivate the self-assembling nanotech, synthetic biology, synthetic parasites, microplastics, together with the hydrogel and antennas which are growing inside of ALL of us. It’s nothing more than poisons - even though its synthetic, we identify them and detoxify them from our system. Through our constant research we have the solutions to de-code, de-activate and detoxify.

The Liver Cleanse Program can be found here

The full protocols can be found here

For the FULL body Detox you can order here

Use Code HEALING15 for 15% DISCOUNT

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