X22 Report-3479-ALDI Proves Economy Terrible-War Drums Beating Loude-Cyber Attack Intel-Ad Free!

3 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3479a - ALDI Proves Economy Is Terrible For People, Gold & Bitcoin Purchased Accelerate

The economy across the globe is imploding on itself, in the UK a record 633,000 businesses are on the brink of collapse. People cannot afford food, gas and housing. ALDI just proved that the prices back in 2019 under Trump were better. People are transitioning into gold and bitcoin at an accelerated pace.

Ep. 3479b-War Drums Beating Louder,Cyber Attack Intel,[DS] Scared Of The Majority,Light Is The Cure

The [DS] is beating the war drums very loud, they want war in the end, the patriots know this, this will be countered with peace. Cyber attack intel is now pointing to a cyber attack before or during the election. The [DS] is scared of the majority, when the people are awake the people think logically. The change batter will cause chaos in the election process. The people know the elections are rigged, it's time to shine the light on the source. 

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