Connecting All Minds on Earth – “Collective Neuroscience” – True Technology – Dr. Michael Persinger

2 days ago

What if you had access to every other brain on the planet just as you have access to your own?

What if you could be on the EXACT same Wavelength as not only another person such as your boyfriend or girlfriend, but EVERYONE?

Is that even possible? YES.

It is Collective Consciousness.

Suppose there is a technology that allows us to have access to all the information in the geomagnetic field from all of your brains

Collective Neuroscience – when people converse or share an experience, their brain waves synchronize. Neurons in corresponding locations of different brains fire at the same time, creating matching patterns, like dancers moving together.

This is technology that all the 3 letter “Intelligence” Agencies have tried to keep secret. Whenever it surfaces, it is quickly extinguished and labeled conspiracy theory.

This is why they want us divided until they have full control of our brains. They know if we unite and synch up, that we will want something very different to what they want. They have very different plans for us.

To control the population, the few have to have hoard the knowledge.

If everyone had access to what others were thinking, do you think there would be rich people?

The success of governments depend upon sequestered facts. Could governments function the way they do if we knew everything they were doing?

Absolutely NOT.

The Covid Plandemic would never had happened.

Dr. Michael Persinger focused on the Brains Interaction with the Magnetic Field.

So, are we all connected in some way?


We are all immersed in the Earth’s magnetic field.

The human species is about 7 Billion conductive brains all sharing this field. It is like 7 billion wires all immersed in the Earth’s magnetic field. This field contains enough energy to contain the experience of every human being who has ever lived.

Yes, the Earth’s magnetic field contains ALL the information of EVERY Human Brain that has EVER Existed on this planet.

Maybe Pellegrino Ernetti and his story about a device called the Chronovisor is real? Hmm. It is said to be stored in the Vatican archives and not used anymore. Hmm? *See Source #2 below for more info on that.

The Whole equals the Sum.

The Sum equals the Individual.

The Individual equals the Sum.

Our brains are constantly influenced by the magnetic field.

An event in one brain could spread to all other 7 Billion brains in about 10 minutes, especially during dreams.

This idea was tested in Maimonides Dream Laboratory – people dreaming in one room described pictures that someone else were looking at in another room.

So, what would happen if all brains could be connected?

There would be NO More Secrets.

Dr. Michael Persinger, a pioneering neuroscientist who delved into the mysterious connection between the brain, geomagnetics, and consciousness.

His controversial experiments explored how specific frequencies and electromagnetic fields could influence the mind, even in dream states, leading to discoveries that blurred the line between science and the paranormal.

His groundbreaking research didn’t just capture the public’s curiosity— it also caught the attention of government agencies, including the CIA.

Thanks to DanG2020 for sharing.


1. Video Advice --

2. Secret Vatican Time Machine – The Chronovisor --


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END. 10/24/2024 – 9:00 PM

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