How Would Jesus Vote?

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Pastor Nathan Miller joins Rose
A recent Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University study found that approximately 41 million Christians are not expected to vote in this election.
It was suggested by the president of the university that Christians are longing for the  church to instruct them – not tell them how to vote - but how to view political issues from a biblical perspective.
Pastor Nathan Miller has been preaching a series on “How Would Jesus Vote” and joins Rose to discuss how to think biblically about politics and the issues facing our nation today.
Pastor Nathan: “When good governments are in place they are a friend to the church, and the gospel can be propagated. Bad governments are not a friend of the
church, because wickedness will never desire common ground with righteousness.”
“Righteousness will exalt a nation, but sin will bring disgrace to the nation” - Proverbs 14:34
Pastor Nathan Miller:

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