Alabama Highlands 1937

4 months ago

A closer look at the Civilian Conservation Corps' work in Alabama from the Department of Interior.

This film shows Birmingham and views of Alabama's mountains, homes, factories, mines, railways, and its State Parks, including Oak Mountain State Park, Weogufka State Park, De Soto State Park, and Cheaha State Park. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) men in the parks crack rocks, construct lodges and roads, operate bulldozers and dump trucks, and study first aid and artificial respiration. It includes views of tourists driving into the parks, picnicking, and wading in streams.

Transcript (PDF):

Department of the Interior. Division of Motion Pictures.

ARC ID 11699


Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Records Section, Special Media Archives Services Division (NWCS-M), National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD, 20740-6001.

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Department of the Interior. National Park Service.(1916 -1933 ), Producer

Birmingham (Jefferson county, Alabama)

Cheaha Mountain (Cleburne county, Alabama)

De Soto State Park (Alabama)


More information is available in the National Archives online catalog:

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