Here we go again! Fear, Propaganda, by Ashley Bloomfield!

4 months ago

He says that we have “amnesia” about the last pandemic, you have to be kidding Ashley!

Do you really think Ashley that we have forgotten how we were forced to wear masks that did not work? How we had to stand six feet apart which also proved to be a complete farce.

Healthy people were locked up in their homes, in their cities, and not allowed to talk to neighbours.

Lockdowns, companies shut up that destroyed people's lives.

Do you really think that we have also forgotten about the mandates that ruined so many, people, some of who are still affected adversely today by those illegal, evil mandates?

Let alone the bribery, manipulation, and corruption.

The lie of the pandemic, being the fault of the unvaccinated turning people, and families on each other.

We can still hear Jacinda stating that she and you Mr Bloomfield, the government as being the sole source of truth!

How could we forget Jacinda's smirk, when asked if she was creating a two-tier system with the vaccine passports, replying “Yep, that is exactly what we are doing”.

Oh no Mr Bloomfield we have not forgotten how you told us!

Take the jab and you won’t get COVID - yeah right!

Take the jab and you won’t pass it on - yeah right!

Children take the jab - yet they were at no risk at all!

Lie after lie after lie, we all know now!

All of the above has been admitted now by Fauci himself!

Western Australia, (just last week) along with Japan, Italy, and many other countries have now banned the jab due to deaths and injuries, yet dumb old NZ is still pushing it - thanks for nothing, Mr Baker!

And in the Newspaper article on this Bloomfield goes on to say that 7 million died of covid!

Do you know how many died from other health mobilities? The Majority!

Do you know how many were over 80? The Majority.

Not only that but people who died in car crashes (if they had Covid) were counted as Covid deaths, (that was even here in NZ)

And (like believe it or not but shows the stupidity of it all) a man who was shot, and murdered in the USA, who tested positive in the autopsy was counted as another COVID death.

Hospitals in the States were paid another $40k for a COVID death, so as always follow the money!

In other words, keep the count of people up.

Can I also ask, how many people would have lived if the Governments and Big Pharma had not collaborated to take Ivermectin etc off the market (a safe drug that had been available for decades, that suddenly disappeared off the shelves)?

Which by the way was used successfully to treat COVID - by the likes of me and Joe Rogan, rather than the jab.

Bloomfield still won’t tell us why there is a rise in death numbers, or why the new diagnosis of “sudden death syndrome,” why all the heart failures, turbo cancers, he won’t tell us, - but we know!

Oh, we remember all right Mr. Bloomfield how good doctors were canceled, and people who raised concerns were criminalised, banned, and de-platformed as FB has now admitted under the instruction of the Government!

No, we don’t have amnesia about it all.

And please note everyone - they want to make/call the next pandemic a “security threat” (not a health threat)

People say, let's just move on, but unfortunately not only will the likes of Bloomfield / Baker / Murdock / Gates, etc let us move on, constantly reminding us of the next pandemic, Disease X.

But there are so many people who took the jab, who are now sadly suffering long COVID, and many with lower, compromised immunities who are catching flu and COVID worse than ever.

I won’t say "Here we go again", but the likes of Bloomfield, Baker, and Gates would just love to!

The money made by Big Pharma was unbelievable!

If you do not believe what I have said above to be true, I challenge you to check out that, and more on my “Covid grand finale “ go to my website All the press cuttings collected over the years are there.

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