Getting "down & dirty" with Lewiston Garden Club

6 years ago

The Lewiston Garden Club has been getting down and dirty as they get ready for the 13th Annual GardenFest June 16th & 17th. The club members have their green thumbs in a number of projects around the village including Hennepin Park & Fountain-a popular spot for Summer concerts. Marianne Gittermann, the Lewiston Garden Club President, says that the work they do saves the Village a lot of money and it is great for tourism, adding "If I go somewhere outside of Lewiston and I'll say I'm from Lewiston- they say oh they have such beautiful flowers in Summertime." Gardenfest will will take place on Center Street with several speakers scheduled, over 80 vendors and a container garden contest. The money raised helps the club continue to keep Lewiston lovey. Club member Barbara Stafford puts it this way "what we actually want is the satisfaction of knowing that the village looks lovely due to our efforts." More information can be found at the Lewiston Garden Club website.

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