Why the Name of Palestine Must not be Changed to Judea?

23 hours ago

No Rest for Genocide Enabler FIFA

The Miracle That Led to a Groundbreaking Interview


World Leaders Do You Know the History of Palestine?

1948: Why the name Israel?

Most people had thought that the state would be called Judea (Yehuda in Hebrew). But Judea is the historical name of the area around Jerusalem, which at that time seemed the area least likely to become part of the state. Also, it applied only to a very small territory. So Judea was ruled out.



Leaked documents show US intelligence on Israel’s plans to attack Iran, sources say

Reviewing Iran vs. US/Israeli Bunker Busting Bombs

As we have observed countries being Sanctioned by US and its Western Allies became Stronger Militarily just like IRAN, NOKOR, RUSSIA, CHINA and many more. Compared to allies of US like Taiwan, Philippines, Japan, Arab Gulf countries which relied much to US their Country security for they are weak militarily 😊.

Iran has Bunker underneath mountings. Bunker busters can't touch mountains.


NATO Nation Salutes Sinwar Amid Reports Of 'Secret Plan' To Attack Israel With Iran

Yes, Sinwar lived like a warrior and died like a lion! Deepest respect

Yahya Sinwar proved himself as a sign n symbol of war against sin.

He lived like a man and he fought till his last breath as a hero.
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون البقاء والدوام لله

Sinwar was voice of all Palestinians no fear of IDF terrorism 😮

LIVE | Yahya Sinwar New Video After Death | Slain Hamas Chief Seen Moments Before Oct 7 Attacks

"Death in the way of Allah is our highest wish."- Yahya Sinwar


From 9/11 to Gaza: America's invisible wars and the death of democracy w/Norman Solomon

What is Israel’s endgame for Gaza?

Israel Reveals its Devious Plan to End War in the Middle East

“Humanity will end Zionism or Zionism will end Humanity “.

Greater Israel is and has always been what this is about not Oct 7th... it’s the continuation of the NAKBA

Thanks for your great work, as always.
The USS Liberty attack in 1967 was, I believe, meant to be the initiation of the genocides/"wars" we see now. According to the plan (which was, in 1982, codified as the Oded Yinon plan, Israel meant to blame the attack on the USS Liberty on Egypt, and attack/occupy Egypt first, in "self-defence." After Egypt, Israel wanted to take the other countries. However, there were "too many" surviving witnesses to Israel's attack on the USS Liberty, and the plan was put on hold indefinitely. Then there was the Project for the New American Century. Then 9/11 "happened." The order of countries to be attacked was adjusted, but the plan never changed -- same players, same goal.


Why I Changed My Mind about Palestine

The ORIGINS Of The Philistines According To The Bible (Bible Stories Explained)

The Philistine Language | Dr. Aren Maeir

There were two migratory waves of Sea Peoples in Canaan. The first one took place at the age of Pharaoh Merneptah (late 13th century BC) and the most numerous immigrants in this wave were the so-called “Ekwesh” (i.e. the Achaeans from Mycenaean Greece and Crete), who mainly settled in the Carmel Coast, at the archaeological sites of Tel Nami and Tel Zeror. In the second wave, dated to the age of Ramesses III (early 12th century BC), the most numerous immigrants were, instead, the so-called “Peleset”, who settled in several areas in Canaan (also including the Carmel Coast). Both groups of Sea Peoples may have mixed to constitute the Philistine people mentioned in the Bible, and they also mixed with the Canaanite population who lived there from earlier times.

In the biblical texts, the Philistines are usually named “Pelishtim”, but sometimes they are also called “Kaphtorim” (or “sons of Kaphtor”) and “Anakim” (or “sons of Anak”). These denominations show clearly that ethnic mixture, seeing that Kaphtor was the island of Crete (inhabited by the Achaeans in the Late Bronze Age) and Anak or Anaku was a region of southern Anatolia cited in Akkadian sources of the 3rd millennium BC (in the annals of King Sargon of Akkad) together with Kaptara or Kaphtor. The Akkadian term “anaku” means “tin” and a mine of tin, located in the Taurus Mountains (in the area of Kestel and Bolkardag) was really used in the 3rd millennium BC, according to the archaeological research carried out at this site by A. Yener. Therefore, the original homeland of the “Peleset” was probably located in southeastern Anatolia, close to the island of Cyprus. This fact explains the Anatolian and Cypriot traits detected in the Philistine culture, which were mixed with other cultural traits that are more related to the Mycenaeans and Canaanites.

On the first migratory wave of Sea Peoples, see https://www.academia.edu/44859817/The_First_Wave_of_Sea_Peoples


Who were the Philistines? (History of the Philistines explained)

Well, Greek historian Herodotus mentioned in the 5th century BC and area in Syria called Palestine between Phoenicia and Egypt. And Palestine is currently between Lebanon (ancient Phoenicia) and Egypt.

This is a good video on history and the reasons are: 1) It is not very long but very comprehensive and well-researched 2) It has the most maps I have seen. Other videos are good but lack maps. Maps are key here. Folks need maps to visualize 3) Good narration i.e. good voice, tone, pace etc. A pleasure to watch, again and again. Well done.

My grandmother is a Messina (well, so I am I then.). My great great grandfather Messina came from Southern Italy, Casaluce. My grandmother's brother and my grandmother took a DNA tests. My grandmother's test said she's 4% middle eastern and my great uncle's test said he's 4% Jewish. My DNA test says I'm 3% middle eastern.
My sister and I were both doing studies on the ancient Mycenaean. It turns out the Messina's are the ancient Messenians/Mycenaean. You can look up the history.
So, my DNA confirms my family history.
I grew up hating the Philistines and the Canaanites because they were the enemy of Israel. I LOVED Israel so much that I named my son after Isaac.
Now I find out I'm a Philistine and Caananite.
I guess Jesus Christ has an interesting way of changing people's heart towards their enemies.


The Real Origins of the Philistines and Palestinians

Is Supporting Israel a Must for True Christians?

I am a secular Jewish Israeli and I am now starting to read the Bible 🙏🏻

Any Jew that rejects Christ will be in the exact same position as any non-Jew… judgment and eternal separation from God


The thing is that most religions accept Jesus as a prophet, as a teacher, as a role model. The only one to be furiously hateful toward Jesus is Judaism.

Jesus really really humbled them. "God could make sons of Abraham out of the stones." Is not something Netanyahu would want to hear. And as far as where Jesus is right now according to the Talmud, it's bad.


The GOD. Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob gave the land to the children of Israel 🇮🇱 so the land belongs to the children of Israel 🇮🇱

As It Was - Ⲱⲥⲡⲉⲣ ⲏⲛ
Here is my response to your argument: Should Christians Support Israel? https://youtu.be/TFQxVvJ_I8E

Your reformed theology fails to recognize that God called the Hebrews to be His chosen people. All people have been provided a path to salvation through the Son; however, only the Hebrews are His chosen. Not my idea, it’s on the Bible.

As It Was - Ⲱⲥⲡⲉⲣ ⲏⲛ
Hey Joe, thank you for your comment. You fail to recognize that I am Orthodox and don't believe in reformed theology. In forming my argument, I relied on Patristic interpretations of the Bible, not early modern contextualizations. In addition to Saint Paul's reference to the Olive tree which I discussed in the video, Saint Peter also when speaking to the Church said the following, "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy." (1 Peter 2:9-10). The Bible teaches us that God's chosen people are those who have accepted His salvation, not those who reject Him to this day.


Israel or Palestine? Whose Land is it?

We, as outsiders, are keen to learn facts, but we find the Europeans' jews side of the facts are consistently false.

The land Palestine belongs to the Palestinians people period. Free Palestine 🇵🇸 from Somalia ❤❤❤

Israel Fun Fact: Genealogical tracking services are illegal in the state of Israel. You would think that they would be on every street corner, since each newcomer is curious about whether they are descendants of Noah. It is for this reason that they are illegal. Genealogical testing evidences the fact that ninety-five percent of the self-styled Jews in Israel are neither "Hebrew" nor of any semitic origin. that is to say, related to any indigenous population from the region.

Brilliant and un biased except I heard
Most of the modern Jews now in Israel came from Eastern Europe and are descended from the Khazarian Kingdom. (approx Ukraine, Moldova and Romania) these are the Ashkenazi Jews. The Khazarian kingdom adopted Judaism to prevent civil war between Christians and Muslims The King of Kharzaria said, okay we will all be Jews.

According to the genealogical, historical and linguistic evidence, the place of ancestral origin of Israelis is an area which was known as Khazaria, approximately where present-day Ukraine is located. Israelis are not “semites”, as they label themselves. They are in fact self-hating Khazars.


I'm Coptic, and I watch Ben Shapiro's videos. I laughed when you quoted him. What would it be like if Ben Shapiro had watched this video and responded to it?

I would also have liked for you to address misconceptions about Israel, like that Israel is committing apartheid against the Palestinians.

As It Was - Ⲱⲥⲡⲉⲣ ⲏⲛ
Thank you for watching! I tend to agree with Ben Shapiro on a lot of issues, and I feel he is usually pretty insightful, but he is definitely wrong on this one and is consistently spreading false or biased info. I don't think he'll ever see this video, let alone respond!

I personally do believe that Israel is committing apartheid; maybe not against the "48-Arabs" (Palestinians who remained in Israel and accepted Israeli citizenship) but definitely towards the non-Israeli Palestinians, especially in the West Bank. I've read many articles and seen many documentaries about the struggles which they face. So unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to address that issue as a misconception! 😅If you've found convincing evidence to the contrary, please send it to me. I am always open to learning.

@gstrdms Yes I agree with him on many social issues as I am politically conservative. His support of Zionism, however, is distasteful.


The Eutychian Controversy - The Council of Chalcedon - Part 1

Overview of Chalcedon - The Council of Chalcedon - Part 2

The First Session - The Council of Chalcedon - Part 3

The Third Session - The Council of Chalcedon - Part 4

The Condemnation of Pope Dioscorus - The Council of Chalcedon - Part 5

Defining the Chalcedonian Faith - The Council of Chalcedon - Part 6

After Chalcedon - The Council of Chalcedon - Part 7

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