What Is The Secret Purpose of the Deep State? - Trailer 2

12 hours ago

The full version of what you just watched, ‘What is the Secret Purpose of the Deep State?’, can be found here:

Our family has felt called to share what we've learned from Grace’s story, inspired by Genesis 50:20 – God is turning intended harm into something good for the saving of many lives. Initially, this platform focused primarily on exposing the dangers of the medical industrial complex. But as time passed, I began to explore the spiritual side, realizing Satan’s battle for souls is central to understanding what is happening and our current responsibility.

The revelation I received was to not use Grace’s story for exposing evil, because it fits into Satan’s playbook, through his use of the Hegelian Dialectic method. Satan needs the evil exposed, to create fear, so he can become the angel of light, creating perceived order out of the chaos. Interestingly, Ephesians 5:11 tells us to ‘expose (modern)/reprove (King James)/rebuke (Tyndale)’. You can see why Satan would be behind the watering down of God’s Word. My opinion of eschatology is best expressed by Jamie Walden, who said, “we’re going to find out how wrong we’ve all been.” What I personally believe is that Jesus is coming again, and we are in the days of Noah. I explained why, with the convergence of evil and the exposure of the esoteric agenda, during this presentation. I’m not a date setter. I see the ‘pre-trib rapture/blindly supporting Israel’ belief as a deception instituted by Satan’s use of the occult minions and the apostate church. I believe it is important to understand the world (two beasts giving the illusion of being against each other but of the same coin), Satan’s nature (Revelation 13), and his ways (fear, deception, and lies) as our part of being prepared, under Hosea 4:6. I’m a Pan-Millennialist – a term I just recently learned of. Once my eyes were open to the spiritual battle, I saw the reality of mystery/secrets being the same temptation Satan used with Eve, tempting her that by chasing knowledge she could be like God. God created Satan to give us a choice between good and evil. Satan is under His command; God knows exactly what Satan is doing. God is sovereign; even in matters of evil.

Through deep study, I've come to understand that Satan's ultimate plan is to deceive us through the systems of the world (The Matrix), creating the illusion of freedom while subtly controlling us. The elaborate control grid Satan has constructed tricks us into believing that we can escape tyranny through patriotism, knowledge and spiritualism; these are ‘less evil’ distractions leading us away from God. The truth is, Satan’s false light aims to create fear, ensuring we unwittingly serve his agenda by desiring his angel of light deceptions of safety, security, and comfort – further enslaving its participants. This pattern is being played out in real time with The Great Awakening false prophet as the solution to The Great Reset anti-Christ. This whole scheme should be called The Great Deception.

In summary, God has revealed the spiritual battle in His Word. I see the esoteric evil versus less evil beasts of Revelation operating through the occult/evil and the apostate church/less evil. Exoterically, he gets us to participate in our own demise through dialectic diversions. Today, we’re being manipulated into believing that elections and worldly solutions will save us, but true salvation comes through Jesus Christ, repentance and obediently submitting to God. We must question our involvement in the world and recognize the urgency of choosing the right path before it’s too late.

If you’d like to follow our story and advocacy work, please sign up for our newsletter at https://ouramazinggrace.substack.com/ You can also sign up to follow our landmark legal case at www.GraceSchara.com For the inspiration behind our family’s advocacy, please visit www.OurAmazingGrace.net There you will find some fantastic pictures and videos of Grace, as well as resources and research. If you’d like to help with our work financially: https://www.givesendgo.com/theskysthelimit

Once God opens our eyes, it is easy to see how the satanic strategies are openly on display - divide and conquer and letting us know what they are doing. This 21-minute clip is fantastic example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zaa-0PqXwGU

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