Israeli tells mom's 1948 story of Israeli forces looting and stealing Palestinian homes.

3 months ago

I stitched these 2 short video clips together for you. I added some labels on the 2nd video that I thought was a perfect visual for what the Palestinian Christian and Muslim families have been experiencing since 1917 when the Kabbalist Talmudic Jews were arriving to Palestine as refugees from Russia and Ukraine and Europe.

Rothschild had the British Rotal family sign the Balfour Declaration in 1917. It was an agreement to use the British army to fight the Ottoman Empire to take the territory of Palestine from them.

"In 1516, the Ottoman Turks invaded and occupied Palestine, an occupation that lasted for 402 years.

1917, the British forces entered Palestine, and by 1918, the Ottoman rule over Palestine was ended following the defeat of its forces at the Battle of Megiddo in September 1918.

During the period Palestine was under British occupation, the Zionists were putting pressure on the British Government to facilitate the establishment of a 'Jewish Homeland' on the 'Land of Palestine'. On the 2nd November 1917, the British responded to the Zionist demands through what became to be known as the 'Balfour Declaration'. Arthur Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary at the time, handed a letter to Lord Rothschild (a leader of the British Jewish community) for transmission to the Zionist Federation (a private Zionist organization), that declared the support of His Majesty's Government to the Zionists' plans of establishing a Jewish 'national home' in Palestine, 'with the condition that nothing be done which might prejudice the rights of existing communities there'.

Since that date, Jewish immigration to Palestine, which started around 1882, increased rapidly. Conflicts erupted between the new Jewish settlers and the local Palestinian people, each fought for their survival. At the beginning they fought over land, water, habitat, religious rights, etc., but later on it developed into a conflict of 'national identity' that led to brutal fighting. The Palestinian people rebelled against the British Mandate and its policies of settling foreigners on their land; meanwhile, the Jewish gangs continued to carry attacks on the Palestinian people...",of%20Megiddo%20in%20September%201918.

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