CompTac Holster for Beretta APX A1 & CZP10CC

4 months ago

CompTac Holster for Beretta APX A1 & CZP10CC - One worked flawlessly the other did not

review of Comp-tac holsters for Beretta APX A1 & CZP10CC.
This video was made with Clipchamp

Please check out the channel of Sean Sorentino.

And the channel of will Binkly

They are my co shooters and I learned a lot from them and many more.

Since in general civilian Hindus lack knowledge of weapons, I have decided to create some presentations to improve awareness. Around 00:30 you will see I have translated a sloke (couplet), of atharva ved, that have explicitly decreed those rights to the sons and daughters of all Indo-Aryans

There is an interesting history of how this mathematician came across this section of Atharva Ved. During a debate some Guru with only "Bhakti" and no "Gyan" or "Karma" quoted this section and said this couplet bans non-veg eating. Since most educated "Hindus" lack basic knowledge of Sanskrit, it has become a habit of such Gurus to utter anything and then justify anyhow. To me it looked like this section is about right of self defense. I went back and read this whole section. As I suspected, the entire chapter is not talking about what to eat. Rather it is talking about how to deal with enemies and criminal cults. This chapter explains why lead is the most useful material to be used in bullets which we all still agree after thousand years. It changes shape, it is difficult to pull out of the body, even if we are able to extract out most of the lead bullet it will leave harmful effects. It is very difficult for the body to extract lead. So it keeps harming for decades. Then it declares lead bullet to be one of the greatest gift of the god to mankind and finally says if enemies / criminals hurts our cows, horses and families then it is our right to shoot them with lead bullets unless they stop. This is exactly what is taught even today under 2nd amendment of USA and self defense classes. The key words still stressed are shoot until the criminals stops attacking you, your animals, properties or loved ones. Not otherwise. Hindus basically got ransacked by Sramana Nastik Budhdhist, Jains and now passing on sramana nastik justification of Gandhi style non violence in the name of sanatana Vedic Dharma. Nastik mean Atheist for those that does not understand Sanskrit or related languages like Greek, Latin, Irish and Slavic languages.

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