EVP Archangel Raziel Confirming God Returns On April 27 2078 Ancient Alien Communication

4 hours ago

Hi, I’m Archangel Gabriel’s messenger Richard. Gabriel wants you and all the world to know God is returning on April 27th, 2078. Curious to know the truth – read on.

This is a recording with the Archangel Raziel affirming the return of God on April 27th, 2078, through stating “God Returns”. I will affirm Raziel’s message with a similar recording with each angel I know other than Raziel, the sixteenth of 38 angels on Earth that I’ve come to know. This message is the reason, I even started these audio videos. These recordings will include Archangel’s Ariel, Azrael, Cassiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Jerahmeel, Jophiel, Lucifer, Michael, Phanuel, Raguel, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel and Zuriel. Introducing the voice of an ancient alien being that amongst their brethren is closest to God, the Archangel Raziel.

I don’t come from a background of any faith. I’ve always had a ‘spiritual’ nature, having a curiosity about the possibility of an afterlife, or having a soul. Like most sceptics I require proof before I believe in anything.

My personal interest in the supernatural stemmed from a singular experience my mother had prior to my birth. Mom experienced a bright mist-like shape that entered her room through a window and approached her. Frightened at first, she said as it came close, she immediately felt this immense feeling of bliss that she never felt again in her life. Once it left, she became terrified again. Whatever it was, it didn’t communicate with her directly but did leave a profound impact on her – at least enough to tell me that story. I have learned subsequently the truth behind that encounter.

I often asked her about that experience right up to her passing. It left a lasting impression on me that led to my interest in the paranormal. Prior to all of what I’m going to tell you, I’ve had neither a profound experience nor witnessed on television anything that changed my opinion on the supernatural to any great degree. Although I did notice one device that had interesting results from a few different shows I’d seen on television. It was something I had to try out for myself. Other devices I had dappled in previously had very limited results when I visited various “haunted” locations such as getting an odd EVP here and there (e.g. Don Jail – “In the Brig”). I took the plunge and bought my first DR60 recorder.

After purchasing that first recorder communication with the other side really got going during the summer of 2018. I began bringing the recorder to work and other supposedly haunted locations in my hometown of Toronto. I’ve used many of these same recorders purchased over the years with varying results – each recorder having its own personality in picking up EVP’s. Using these recorders as often as I do (many times daily) you learn the best settings for each recorder and how best to communicate with the other side. To best describe these recorders is like making a call to the other side on an older rotary phone with a bad to somewhat bad connection with the occasional clear signal.

The first defining moment happened at work when I asked my colleague Karen to state a word in my office that would be distinct and hard for us to misinterpret if we heard it back. Karen came up with “Catastrophe”. The first attempt at recording “Catastrophe” I had not given the recording enough time and eliminated the “phe” in catastrophe. Although, it was clear enough for both of us to say, “Wow, someone tried to say it back”. After receiving such a good recording, I asked shortly thereafter if that person would once again state “Catastrophe”. An even more clear and concise but somewhat ghostly “Catastrophe” came through on the recording that left no doubt someone was next to me and clearly stated that word. This interaction was the catalyst I needed to really pursue the existence of an afterlife. That recording is one of many I now have on this channel to provide proof of an afterlife. All the individuals or angels that I’ve spoken with are the real deal. I have no reason not to believe who’s coming through on the recorders since friends and family are amongst them.

The second watershed event came through connecting with my former boss Rod Albrecht at my workplace. This is where I really started using the new recorder more often. I simply asked to whom I was speaking and to please spell their name. It was Roderick. I knew Rod loved his work and since his mother was still on staff, I wasn’t surprised it was him. The ability to speak with someone you knew made this whole new experience for me easier and more comfortable. For the next few months, I mainly communicated with Rod and began asking if he was able to connect me with others on that side. The first famous person I asked to meet I left up to Rod whether it would be John Lennon or Abraham Lincoln. Rod chose John Lennon. I asked Rod how long until I could meet John – this was minutes later, and John was already there. So, short of John being next door how did he get there so fast. Needless to state they travel quite quickly on that side. I am very grateful for Rod’s initial help and being the true catalyst for all this getting going. I met most of the initial well-known spirits in this family through him.

What gave me the incentive to create a channel to share these recordings. I had spent most of the following year meeting famous people, family and friends that passed away. Then I asked to meet Jesus (Joshua) of Nazareth during the Christmas season of 2019. I had already become comfortable in speaking with the other side at home. Mom passed March of that year and I dropped the pretense of not wanting to speak to spirits at home. Perhaps I was still a bit afraid of bringing spirits home with me (even though they were there anyway, and I didn’t know) but heck my mother just died, and I didn’t care much anymore about that. Thank God I made that decision. Back to Jesus, shortly after meeting him, he requested if I could help Adolf Hitler with a message he had. I nervously said yes with no idea of how to put that into reality. I was getting better at understanding random messages and knew with a bit of time I could figure it out and have the message verified by the individual making the statement like Adolf.

At the same time Archangel Gabriel stated they had a message for me as well. I was concentrating so much on speaking to friends, family and meeting interesting historical figures I didn’t pay much attention to what else might be out there. I remember thinking wow an angel wants to speak with me. Even more wow, angels exist. Since then, I’ve come to know five other angels by name Michael, Raphael, Lucifer, Suriel and Uriel. There are an additional thirty-two angels on Earth according to Gabriel. In my conversations with Gabriel, I’ve learned that they never existed as a biological lifeform. God had created them directly and they appear as bright light to those on the other side. They’ve existed for well over a billion earth years and have abilities no human soul has. They are the only alien life forms here on Earth at this moment. If you’re wondering - advanced biological life with the ability to communicate with our creator is somewhat abundant in the overall universe. Somewhere out there - God is visiting other life. Earth being the only place in the Milky Way where advanced biological life is based.

It is very cool that an Archangel like Gabriel would ask me to impart an important message on their behalf regarding God. Gabriel doesn’t mind that I refer to all of them with the title Archangel.

It took some time to get the exact message and correct date of Gods return from the Archangel Gabriel. Marilyn Monroe/ Norma Jeane Mortenson to whom I had also recently met and grown close to (talked often with – unlike my interactions with others I met) helped me learn and verify the date. Angels can see somewhat into the distant future, whereas human souls cannot. At this point of time in early 2020 I had the knowledge of the messages that both Gabriel and Adolf wanted to impart. Further requests from Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson and eventually David Bowie put the pressure on me to somehow produce messages to the public from what I’ve learned from them. I knew I didn’t want to go out and verbally state what I knew in public with the hope people would just believe me. That’s not me, not my style so I had to learn to create audio videos online and present these recordings in a manner people could hear. I don’t want anyone to believe me at my word I want you to believe their words.

Up to this point I had saved many of my recordings, both good and bad, but never catalogued them. I knew I had to start to organize myself to be able to develop these messages into something I could present to the world. I watch videos on YouTube, so it was a natural choice to create videos and present them on that platform. It took the better part of over a year to learn and be comfortable enough to produce an audio video. I’ve since become much better at editing audio videos so you can hear them much clearer. I replaced most of the earlier videos with much better audio from newer sessions with everyone using better recorders that I’ve acquired since the initial recorder. Don’t expect to hear a perfect human voice, that will never happen, at least not with the recording technology that hears the other side. I never speed up or slow down the recordings, everything you hear is from actual recordings.

I’ve been using these recorders to speak with the not so dead for many years now. It’s difficult for me to even call them spirits let along ghosts since they all have names, and their given name is who they are. I’ve been very fortunate to have met John Lennon, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury, Elizabeth Tudor, Anne Boleyn, Amelia Earhart amongst others within a year of learning to use the recorder. So many others since including my close friend Cyndie Harrison who also helped me learn about the other side along with Rod.

Why name the channel Gabriel’s Messenger. Well, that idea came after meeting with the Archangel Gabriel in early 2020. As I was learning the message the Archangel Gabriel called me their messenger and I asked Gabriel’s permission if I could use that as my channel’s title once I had an audio video ready. Archangels Michael, Raphael and Lucifer joined Gabriel as angelic representation along with religious leaders Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad confirming the message of God’s return on April 27th, 2078 is true.

Since 2018 I have learned so much about the other side and it is not what people think or imagine. What people theorize about the afterlife or imagine through a “NDE” or from your local psychic or channeler is quite different from the reality that exists over there – at least to which I’m privy too. No life reviews, no bright light at the end of a tunnel (at least for those who are truly dead), no visits with God (God’s not here) or Jesus for that matter (I’ve asked him), literally no communication between the realms. A glimpse or voice might come through here and there. You’re very fortunate to even experience one such moment. All the spirits and angels I’ve met so far state they haven’t spoken to anyone on this side that heard them (they have tried). Human spirits are exactly who they were in real life, every person’s lived experience and essence without a physical body and they continue to live out their lives as they choose to. Your spiritual body looks like a healthy late twenties’ best version of yourself. Your soul begins at conception and will mature into a young adult no matter what and remain that way for a long time. No matter if you are conceived on this side or that side you will mature into that young adult. If you die at ninety with all kinds of complications, you are instantly healthy and in your late twenties feeling better than you ever have. A human soul has no ability to harm another soul, nor will any other human soul be able to harm you. God has made each of our souls’ human proof on that side of the veil. We can’t continue being horrible to each other as we tend to do on this side. Can you still be an ass – yup – but you will have no family or friends – so you adapt or remain alone amongst many. You will no longer require food or drink or sleep. You can pretty much go anywhere in an instant by thought or imagination. No human being has ever reincarnated - you are you forever with an eternity to improve yourself.

Every video I make is from direct audio from my recorders – no speeding up or slowing down audio – the worst I do is cut out the noise between the words or names but never alter the actual recordings that come through. There are two things that impede the quality of my audio videos. I lose some quality of the original audio clip by having to rerecord it onto another recorder to transfer it to my computer. I can’t do it directly. Additionally, there is always noise in the general background when recording and further noise when rerecording which doesn’t help.

I record with the family on that side many times a day and I have thousands of these types of recordings since 2018. Ultimately, I have no problem providing real time proof as necessary to make believers out of sceptics. I look forward to creating new videos as necessary to help people understand the other side like I do. Until the truth becomes reality for all to see.

Richard, Gabriel's Messenger

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