Whatever you say, Jessie Switch 3 (meme version)

5 months ago

* buys mini toys
* puts em in mouth like a 2 yr old for the amusement of grownass adults
* #ModernDayProgressEveryone Our Feminist foremothers would be proud

Always remember, shaming is merely a shorterm tactic, a meme. It chastises the issue but solves nothing.

Criticism & accountability is how you root out the tumor, put that shit on blast.

#memes #parenthoodfail #secondhandembarrassment

LAST one. (for now)
Lucky for me i'm not the type of asshole to look for this crap (too much of this 'cry for help' cancer starts to ruin my mood..)

Side note; there's a difference between a vanilla "fursona" and some western emotionally beaten slag saying:

_ "If I may make a suggestion, she should grind them in her teeth instead of swallowing them. I think both are gud but I prefer molars doing the crushing",_

you know, the kind of person you want your little infant to grow up into, NICE ONE Mom and Dad.

So in a way, while some furries are macrocreeps too, macrocreeps themselves are making me develop a leniency for base form furries.

As with macrocreeps, and the dropping birthrates topic, it has nothing to do with *Women's rights* or this infantilization campaign Americans call "Female Empowerment"

Women having opportunities doesn't create broken pups who use women being the manifestation of pure evil as a coping mechanism for socio-emotional issues/self-esteem issues/stockholm syndrome, or?

Just projecting the authoritarian matriarchal Government signals they picked up for the last 25-30 years from the same country that trended #KillAllMen at one point.

YES, that happened. Twitter i think. ZERO MYSTERY as to where this came from.
(Decline Decline Decline said the birthrates, here lies Rome.)

Women not being 2nd class citizens was a no brainer and never the problem.

Gynocentrism (Woman Centric society that eventually abandoned men & boys in it's wake) in it's entirety, THAT was the actual mistake; On BOTH accounts.

Because when the men are weak, the women suffer too. So when you put women on pedestals, she's on a pedestal by herself. Alone. Unhappy.

Giantess is on top of the world, but what does she have really but a kingdom of ash and death? She (the caricature) has nothing but an empty soul.

Just like the Gynocentric system that created this modern pagan goddess called "Giantess", it will fail & fade to time, collapse and societal failure because that's what this hedonistic, borderline demonic deity symbolizes: FAILURE, collapse, incompetence, insecurity, decline, disconnect, misery, misogyny, misandry, inhumanity, overcompensation, etc. etc.

I repeat: What makes this particular obsession so unique, is how relevant it is to this modern crisis of disconnect between men and women.

Keywords: "How relevant it is", Relevant to whats wrong with society & how it abuses men & tells them to like it and how it failed women & convinced girls to call it "empowerment".

That's precisely how this happened, and no, it was not an accident.

Fat fingering a dial button is an accident, tanking a country's birthrates because you turned women against men, enabling infantile insufferable girls & NO REAL WOMEN, thus crappy mating options for men and turned the men into submissive meat blobs obsessed with escapism, fantasy, anime, no skills, no masculinity because masculinity was strategically demonized by the culture to guarantee the men stay weak & compliant to the women who listen to the Gov., which only gives women SHITTY mating options anyway.

The women suffer when there's a surplus of boys and no men.

No shit your birthrates are going to tank. No women worth their seed is going to give a generation of broken losers & licking and kissing the ground they walk on, NO WOMAN worth her estrogen is going to grant the honor of siring children to someone acting like an NPC in th.

Fuck that.

So in a society that prioritizes women at men's expense, everyone loses.

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