October 20, 2024, John 8:12, "Follow The Light", (Full)

2 months ago

John 8:12 "I am" is the light of the world.
John 6:35, "I am" is the bread of life.
John 1:4, life is light
Psalm 27:1, metaphor of light applied directly to God
Malachi 4:2, emphasizes the Son of God
Genesis 1:1-5, the light was God's glory. In verse 3, the sun, moon, and stars were not yet created.
Genesis 1:14-18, after God's glory, the sun, moon, and stars were created to do the basic daily work (seasons, weather, etc.). The functions of such creations will not be undone, until God declares it. For example climate change will not override God's authority.
Genesis 1:26-27, the "us" in "Let us" is the Holy Trinity. This is the first time the Holy Trinity is mentioned in scripture.
Genesis 3:17-19, the fellowship with God, broken, because Adam and Eve sinned. Adam and Eve fell into darkness, along with all creation (verse 19, the ground became cursed for their sake).
Romans 8:19-20, creation subjected to darkness. However, God had a plan to redeem...
John 19:30, when the light broke the darkness. Overall theme of the Bible: how holy God can reconcile man to Himself. Jesus Christ paid the price of man's sin- the price was death. Jesus was the substitute sacrifice for atonement (first mention of the substitute sacrifice for atonement was in Genesis 22:13)
John 3:16-21, the runway for salvation was lit up. However, there are some people who will flee from that runway (verse 19). Consider this example: which pilot will refuse a safe and well-lit runway to land on, or choose to let the plane run out of fuel?
John 8:12, those who follow the light will not crash

1 Peter 2:9-10, Psalm 119:105, Psalm 89:15, salvation in the light

Revelation 21:23-24, Revelation 22:1-5, the Lamb is the light. His servants will live in the light forever, and New Jerusalem will exist forever.

Matthew 5:14-16, Ephesians 5:8, God's light given to His followers. His followers share His light with the rest of the world. His followers hope and pray people will follow the light also.

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