Why do you criticize yourself and others? | Church 10/20/24

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Get up and walk. Satan: the author of intellectual knowledge. Assignment: Don't judge. Why do you criticize yourself and others?

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, October 20, 2024

0:00:00 Small talk… Welcome
0:02:25 Re: Drug addict woman caller this week
0:07:55 JLP: blessed. Get up and walk: Face your pain.
0:24:04 Feedback: Why won't you get up and walk? Raymond… Hassan…
0:48:43 Amber Alert; No you: Satan, author of intellectual knowledge
1:00:32 Are you backing off your husband?
1:15:14 Excited about sharing the truth, "pearls before swine"
1:18:27 Judgment, the Devil's voice, "disabled," disease, feelings
1:27:25 Assignment feedback: Judgment
1:36:09 Story: Bubbly lady realized she’s evil. Assignment…
1:45:23 BQ: Why do you criticize yourself and others?
1:53:10 Donyale moving! Store union workers picketing
1:59:58 New BQ: Why do you need anyone else's approval? Closing

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