It's The Four-Year Anniversary Of The 'Russian Disinformation' Letter

6 hours ago

Posted • October 20, 2024: I still can't believe it wasn't a bigger scandal that Twitter 1.0 censored the New York Post's story on Hunter Biden's laptop and wouldn't allow you to share it. They also locked the Post out of their Twitter account for two weeks before the election because they wouldn't take the post down. The story was 100 percent real but people were limited from sharing it on social media. The rest of the media wouldn't cover it. What they would cover is that letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials saying the laptop had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. We now know that the Biden campaign's Antony Blinken was behind the letter, and he was rewarded with the secretary of state cabinet position. I'm not sure if the story would have flipped the election had it been covered by the media and if people had been able to talk about it on Twitter and Facebook. Today is the four-year anniversary of that Russian disinformation letter, and none of the criminals who signed it has faced any consequences — they still have their gigs as analysts on cable news.

Four years ago today, 51 intelligence officials, including five former CIA directors, issued a fraudulent letter that cost Trump the 2020 election. To date, no one has been held accountable for this act of treachery. -- Again, I'm stunned that the suppression of the story wasn't a bigger scandal, and that no one has been held accountable for lying to protect Joe Biden's election chances. I still can't believe Biden hasn't been impeached over the contents of the laptop. 51 lying traitors. Biden doesn't get enough criticism for his (and Blinken's) role in this. It wasn't just 51 former initial officers expressing their opinion - it was a political dirty trick set up to give Biden a talking point in an upcoming debate - which he took advantage of. It was no different than the Steele dossier set in motion by the Clinton campaign. And what happened to the on-duty CIA employee who was in on it by knowingly fast tracking pre-publication approval?

These former 51 intelligence officials must be stripped of all their security clearances and any rights to ever hold them again. They are the enemy of the American people and democracy. We can never have safe and secure elections as long as they have any access to power. One of the DBAGS response when asked about signing the letter. David Priess is one of the 51 “intelligence officials” that said days before the election that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”.
He is also the Author of the book “how to remove a President.” #ElectionInterference

Hey, remember how 17% of voters polled said they would have changed their vote in 2020 if they had known Hunter's laptop was real and not Russian disinformation? Good times. No foreign government can come close to carrying out election interference like the corrupt agencies these people represent. -- Accountability is coming. It gave people like Jen Psaki cover for talking about the laptop. The 51 intelligence officials didn’t just write a letter - they crafted a narrative that redirected the course of an election, and by extension, history itself. But the most insidious part wasn’t even the lie. It was the fact that those who signed it knew they’d never face consequences. They played their part, and we’re left dealing with the fallout. It was blatant election interference, and yet you have fools like CBS News' Major Garrett writing books saying that the 2020 election was "the greatest success of American democracy in history."

Twitchy: CBS News' Major Garrett writes that the 2020 election was 'the greatest success of American democracy in history'

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