The Heavens Declare: Dr. Jason Lisle on Creation, Faith, Flat Earth and Signs in the Stars

7 days ago

The Heavens Declare: Dr. Jason Lisle on Creation, Faith, Flat Earth and Signs in the Stars

Dr. Jason Lisle is the founder of the Biblical Science Institute and joins us to discuss faith, the Scriptures, and how the heavens declare the glory of God. We discuss creation, holographic universe theory, flat or spherical earth, and the coming fearful sights and signs in the sun, moon, and stars.

Dr. Lisle is a Christian astrophysicist who researches issues pertaining to science and the Christian Faith. A popular speaker and author, Dr. Lisle presents a rational defense of a literal Genesis, showing how science confirms the history recorded in the Bible. Brought up in a Christian family, at a young age he received Christ as Lord. Since then Lisle has always desired to serve the Lord out of love and gratitude for salvation, and to spread the Gospel message to all people.
Dr. Lisle double-majored in physics and astronomy with a minor in mathematics at Ohio Wesleyan University. He then went on to obtain a Master’s degree and Ph.D. in astrophysics at the University of Colorado in Boulder. There, he used the SOHO spacecraft to analyze the surface of the sun, and made a number of interesting discoveries, including the detection of giant cell boundaries. Since then, Lisle has worked in full-time apologetics ministry. He wrote a number of planetarium shows for the Creation Museum, including the popular “Created Cosmos.” Dr. Lisle has authored a number of best-selling books on the topic of creation, including: Taking Back Astronomy, Stargazer’s Guide to the Night Sky, the Ultimate Proof of Creation, Discerning Truth, and Understanding Genesis.

Dr. Lisle, welcome to Bible Mysteries Podcast!

Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.

This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Connie Guerrero, Karen Albright, and Katira Noska (September 2024)

Questions for Dr. Lisle:

Dr. Lisle, share with us your salvation testimony and how it led you to study physics and astronomy.

How does Psalm 19 prophetically demonstrate the Lord Jesus Christ in declaring God’s glory in the heavens?

Guide us through your understanding of the waters above the firmament in Genesis 1 and how it might connect to the sea of glass in heaven in Revelation 4 and 15?

Verses in Isaiah and Revelation refer to the heavens stretched out as a curtain, rolled together as a scroll, and departing as a scroll. How would you understand this to take place?

Do you think these passages could allude to a holographic universe theory?

At Bible Mysteries we discount the idea of a flat earth and find it fundamentally flawed. What is your take on those believers who insist the earth is a flat disk with a solid “dome” firmament over it?

Revelation 9, 11, and 17 make reference to a bottomless pit. Considering the force of gravity, would this not be further proof of a spherical earth?

Do you think there may have been a planet between Jupiter and Mars that may have been destroyed to create the asteroid belt? Might this tie in to Psalm 89:10-11 and Rahab being broken in pieces?

What do you think may actually occur when the sun turns into darkness and the moon turns into blood per Joel 2 and Acts 2?

Christ warned about fearful sights and signs in the heavens in Luke 21. Do you suspect this could include seeing the fallen angels and war in heaven of Revelation 12?

Explain how you think New Jerusalem is going to be situated in connection to the new heaven and new earth of Revelation 21?

All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.  

Psalm 19, Genesis 1, Revelation 4, Revelation 15, Isaiah 40;22, Isaiah 34:4, Revelation 6:14, Revelation 9, Revelation 11, Revelation 17, Revelation 21, Psalm 89:10-11, Joel 2, Acts 2, Luke 21, Revelation 12, Revelation 21

Dr. Lisle approaches Scripture from a young-earth creationist perspective. While this may differ from our own understanding, we are happy to share his perspective with our listeners. We must all examine the evidence and go where the Holy Spirit guides us to see what the Lord would have us learn. On one thing we can certainly agree: God’s creation is infinitely wonderful, and we will spend an eternity discovering His marvelous works!


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