Pranic Healing Chakra Guided Meditation

4 months ago

Pranic Healing Chakra Guided Meditation
This is a Deep Healing 12 Chakra Pranic Guided Meditation with rebalancing all 12 pranic chakras.

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Free Gift: Detailed 7 chakra chart, including: its element, seeds of potential, psychological aspects, organs and glands, body aspects, instinct, and negative expression.

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🌟🌟 Ready to take the next step toward your best destiny?

Get help with the heavy lifting and necessary shadow work in gentle, heart-centered energy medicine treatments.
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Check out my services here...

Cailin OConnor, The Healing Visionary, with star origins from the Andromeda Galaxy, is a master shamanic energy healer from The Four Winds, and Atlantean soul purpose oracle. I work with people and animals.

I offer individual shamanic energy treatments (online video calls worldwide). With the power of lineage shamans and ancient techniques, I remove trauma, old wounds, and negative family patterns that hold you back. This energy medicine fills your luminous energy field while I remove the negative imprints to activate and illuminate your physical body and best destiny for life ahead.

When you take on the responsibility to get help working through your shadows, and tend to your deepest wounds, and uncover your unique gifts, the ripple effect is both forward and backward throughout all time, space, and dimensions.

The greatest gift you can give to the world is tending to your own inner landscape. We now understand that each individual consciousness feeds into the collective, rather than the other way around.

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Start with a Siberian Stone Divination:

Find out what's generating your current life circumstances from inner depths and unseen realms.

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Services to Empower You - available by video session (worldwide)

• Energy Medicine Treatments (worldwide video call)

• Animal Behavior and Trauma Healing (photo and video call)

• Space / Home Clearings (worldwide video call)

• Soul Purpose Reading - a system channeled from Atlantean gematria -- Your soul designed purpose, gifts, talents, and challenges in this lifetime (worldwide video call)

• Change your name / choosing baby names (Soul Purpose Reading)

• Tarot Reading + Shamanic Destiny Acceleration (worldwide video call)

• Destiny Retrieval for installing your highest and best destiny (worldwide video call)

• Teacher – Reiki levels I, II, III and Attunement reinstallations (in-person workshops)

• Soul Transitions: working with deceased loved ones
Tending to those that have crossed over can happen through an online call with you after their death or in-person during the last days to help them safely transition and offer energetic recapitulation/attaining lightness for their journey beyond death.

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