Former Freemason 39th degree Illuminati Luciferian confession

3 days ago

For your information... I stitched 2 related short videos together, customized this background and description and added the captions that I proofread for you.

Former 39th degree Freemason Luciferian Bill Schnoebelen, minister and author Bill Schnoebelen.

The systems of the Kabbalah and Esoteric Masonry are identical, and for this reason the Masons call their Temple the Temple of Solomon. All the Masonic ceremonies have a Kabbalistic base.

The Kabbalah and the Zohar are the fundamental books that most Occult, Magic, and Satanic groups base their activities on. The Zohar is a group of books that are mystical commentary on the first 5 books of the Bible."

The Star of David has nothing to do with King David. It is the magical Seal of Solomon who fell from grace for bowing down to other gods so he could have sex with non-Jewish women.

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