SLOBODNI poecast #90 Hester Bais-Najgori bankarski scenario

4 months ago

🙏Počastite nas kavicom☕ Hester je odvjetnica koja je zastupajuću klijente u nizozemskoj otkrila kriminalnu praksu banaka. Smatra da je su u pozadini skriveni gubici još od velike financijske krize 2008. godine čije troškove prebacuju na klijente koji toga nesvijesnu plaćaju cijenu moralnog hazarda bankara. O tome je napisala knjigu "Worst Bank Scenario" koju možete kupiti preko interneta.
🙏Treat us with a coffee☕ Hester is a lawyer who, representing clients in the Netherlands, discovered the criminal practices of banks. He believes that there are hidden losses in the background since the great financial crisis of 2008, the costs of which are passed on to clients who, unaware of this, pay the price of the bankers' moral hazard. She wrote the book "Worst Bank Scenario" about it, which you can buy online.

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