DRINK 1 CUP DAILY: To Lower High Blood Pressure

4 months ago

Drink 1 Cup Daily To Normalize High Blood Pressure (Ryan's Heart Blend Tea).

In this video I share with you a very simple remedy for high blood pressure, in the form of a 1 cup daily recipe. This recipe includes herbal ingredients such as dried orange peel, hibiscus, licorice and others which have been studied for their blood pressure lowering effects.

As you go through, you'll learn about some of the main causes of high blood pressure such as high cortisol, being overweight, or having too much ACE. I also added a series of lifestyle tips that you may use to normalize your blood pressure as well.

Ryan's Heart Blend Tea Ingredients:

1. Dried Orange Peel (1/2 tsp)
2. Hibiscus (1 tsp dried)
3. Nettle Leaf (1 tsp dried)
4. Lemon Balm (1 tsp dried)
5. Licorice Root (1/4 tsp dried)
6. Black Pepper (1 pinch)
7. Vitamin D3 Drops (10 drops)
8. Liquid Stevia (3-5 drops) (optional


Add the dried herbs to a cup or teapot, fill with 10oz of boiled water, cover and allow the phytonutrients to infuse into the water for 9 minutes minimum. Strain the mixture using a fine mesh sieve, add the Vitamin D3 drops and stevia to sweeten (optional). Enjoy the drink daily for a minimum of 6 weeks to experience the full, long-term benefits of Ryan's Heart Blend.

Recommended products.

🌿 Dried Orange Peel: https://iherb.co/LoY53R5A

🌿 Dried Hibiscus: https://iherb.co/PL3hFyYo

🌿 Dried Nettle Leaf: https://iherb.co/azySpbCs

🌿 Dried Lemon Balm: https://iherb.co/9F2Stevc

🌿 Dried Licorice Root: https://iherb.co/Nu4WpuWM

🌿 Dried Black Pepper: https://iherb.co/CsTvzL8q

🌿 Vitamin D3 Drops: https://iherb.co/ExdzcGJn

🌿 Liquid Stevia: https://iherb.co/QdKCgzjw

5% off iHerb supplements for my viewers using Ryan's code: JKF1469


00:00 - The Best Natural Remedy For High Blood Pressure
00:54 - Ingredients: Ryan's Heart Blend Tea
07:14 - How To Prepare The Drink
09:06 - Other Ways To Normalise High Blood Pressure
13:54 - Summary


🧠 Top Brain Health Supplement: https://www.mindlabpro.com/?a_aid=667...

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Tags: #highbloodpressure #hypertension #naturalremedies


Written & Narrated By Ryan Taylor (Real Voice)
Graphics Credits: Vecteezy.com, Freepik.com, Hannah Taylor

🐝 Making life enhancing videos is extremely important to me. I love sharing useful knowledge with you. Please let me know if there are any natural remedies or topics you wish for me to research. See my other videos on healthy foods for more info.

💚 I wish you great health, wealth and happiness.

Ryan Taylor BSc (Hons) Bio:
Ryan Taylor is a is a self-taught nutritionist from the United Kingdom. After graduating in 2015 and obtaining his degree in Computing Science, he discovered his passion for biology and physiology, and pivoted into the field of nutrition. Since then he has produced over 1000 educational videos covering various topics related to "the science of life", with the continued intention of both sharing and gaining a greater understanding of the human body.

Disclaimer: The materials and information contained on Ryan Taylor’s channel are provided for general informational purposes only and therefore are no substitute for informed medical advice or treatment. Please consult a medical doctor to seek treatment for any illnesses or medical concerns you may have.

Affiliate Disclaimer: This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps to support the channel so that I may invest more time in making informative videos.

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