Episode 250: OpenAI wants to become a for-profit organization, how does that work?

4 months ago

This episode examines the case of OpenAI as it wants to change from a nonprofit company into a for profit company. OpenAI started as a nonprofit organization in 2015 that wanted to responsibly develop AI as an open-source platform. That all changed in 2019 when the company formed a for profit arm that developed ChatGPT. OpenAI is now valued at $156 billion. It also just completed a $6.6 billion fundraising round. It has two years to turn itself into a for profit company. There remain many legal and ethical hurdles in transforming this company. Links to several articles are included below.

Link: OpenAI’s Complex Path to Becoming a For-Profit Company - WSJ
Link: OpenAI Nearly Doubles Valuation to $157 Billion in Funding Round - WSJ

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