Elon's Big Rocket Insertion - Dumpster Fire 153

4 months ago

Elon's Mechazilla catches his rocket and dudes everywhere got turned on, Bridget puts aside old grudges and declares him no longer her nemesis, Christopher Columbus might have been a Jew, your robot vacuum might be spying on you, racist holiday candles, God has a sense ironic justice, and Russell Brand is the biggest grifter of them all.

0:00 - Everything Is Racist
2:44 - Siri, Please Take My Life
3:38 - Cool Science Sh*t
7:03 - Weather
7:35 - Sheath & Quest
9:39 - Dumpster Diving
12:27 - Breaking Bridget
17:03 - The Internet Is Glorious

End Music - Sweetfire performed by Lightmaker


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Russell Brand Thread

We just want to make you laugh while the world burns. We produce media content, essays, and merchandise such as t-shirts and greeting cards that make burgers out of your sacred cows and tell you not to take yourself so damn seriously.

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