Come War or Peace, for 2-4 Weeks, We Will Eat at Least- Vegan Budget Preppers Pantry Tour

4 months ago

An unvarnished " How To" video for Suburban Preppers and the Vegan/ Plant based curious....
The unglamorized insight to how 2 budget vegans, staying in town, stock- up the food cupboards to cope with extreme weather events, supply chain breakdowns, price fluctuations and the ever-present threat of international conflict.
Ever since covid and the East Coast Floods created shortages of toilet paper, bread, fruits and vegetables, we make re-stocking the pantry whenever possible a very high priority. Not all of the items were bought at once but over time as to gradually build up an interesting and affordable supply.

I will continue to share vegan and environmentally friendly tips and tricks to help lessen the suffering of animals and help humans stay healthy. If you have any questions, feel free to pop them in the comments section.

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