Ilhan Omar Basically Writes The Ads For The Trump Campaign With Her Latest Rhetoric

3 months ago

Posted • October 19, 2024: The Trump campaign should just make this into an ad. -- Ilhan Omar @IlhanMN: “We need to radically reform the broken Supreme Court. That starts with: - Expanding the number of Justices. - A binding, enforceable code of ethics. - Imposing term limits. SCOTUS reform is on the ballot in November. 17 days left until Election Day.” -- What she means by the broken Supreme Court is the Left doesn't like their recent decisions. That means it's 'broken' in Ilhan's eyes. This is right out of Mussolini's playbook. He replaced impartial judges ( those who followed the rule of law) with those sympathetic to fascism. He formed tribunals with judges to try his his political opponents & threatened judges to get desired rulings. -- Commies are going to commie. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Ilhan Omar Basically Writes the Ads for the Trump Campaign with her Latest Rhetoric

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