Dr. John Abramson: Doctors don't know that Pharma companies own the data - Joe Rogan

2 days ago

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Evidence-Based Medicine?

Dr. John Abramson on Joe Rogan:
Doctors don't know that drug companies own the data from their clinical trials

Dr. John Abramson: It's even more serious, because the drug companies own the data from their clinical trials.
It's so serious, Joe, when a drug company sponsors a clinical trial and they do the analysis and they write up a manuscript and they say what happened and they send it to a medical journal and it gets peer-reviewed and doctors are trained that they should read and trust peer-reviewed articles that are well conducted.
And that's how the system works, the peer reviewers
And the editors of the medical journals DONT GET TO SEE THE DATA.

They have to take the word of the drug companies that they've presented the data accurately and reasonably completely.
And you only get to see it in litigation.
You know, five years later when it doesn't matter because everyone's formed their opinion.

Rogan: That seems insane.

John Ambramson: It's insane.
And doctors don't know this.
They're taught there's this paradigm of evidence-based medicine where good doctors practice evidence-based medicine and that's based on the peer-reviewed articles published in medical journals and the and the clinical practice guidelines.

And the doctors don't know that the peer reviewers didn't have access to the data and couldn't perform their independent analysis.

And the clinical trial, the experts who write [the clinical practice guidelines] don't have access to the data.

Rogan: So the data is only held by the pharmaceutical companies. They release their analysis of the data?

John Ambramson: Correct.

Rogan: And then the peer reviewers do everything based on the analysis of the data that was released by the pharmaceutical companies.

John Ambramson: That's correct.

Rogan: That's insane.

John Ambramson: That's insane.

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