Hamas Leader’s Death Is A NIGHTMARE For The West.

1 day ago

Right, so Israel’s biggest boogeyman, the man they feared more than anyone else, Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas is dead and we’re told this is a great victory, that we should not mourn this man, where in Israel they broke out into spontaneous celebration, but their cheers ought to be more muted quite frankly and for Western leaders telling us what good news this is, that might be what they’re saying on the face of it, but behind closed doors this course of events has both blindsided them and put them in an extremely difficult situation.
Where they now see Hamas as finished, Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip crushed, it presents them with a massive Benjamin Netanyahu shaped problem. This was supposed to be the endgame for Israel going into Gaza after the night of October 7th after all, this was the basis for Western Zionists to support Israel’s military action against people they already oppress, disgusting the general public from the off around the world and sending polling figures and support for various governments not least ours here in the UK tumbling, both the Tories of Rishi Sunak before and Keir Starmer now.
This should be over now, all the warfare should end, that is what our leaders told us would happen. Except they’ve given Netanyahu too much free rein for too long and he’s not even going to pause for breath. Good luck justifying support for that.
Right, so Yahya Sinwar, leader of Hamas, the sole leader of Hamas since Israel assassinated his co-leader and leader of ceasefire talks and negotiations, Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran back in July, which of course prompted the most recent retaliation by Iran, has been killed in Rafah after being accidentally discovered by a routine Israeli patrol. Such it seems is Israel’s fear of this man that they apparently turned a tank on him just to make sure they got him. This was supposed to be the end of the warfare in the region now, Hamas seemingly crushed, but it won’t be.
If anything, resolve just got hardened. The IDF soldiers who happened upon him probably couldn’t believe their luck, armed as they were against Sinwar, wounded, wearing a keffiyeh and with nothing more than a stick to defend himself apparently threw it at a drone in a last act of defiance before he was finished off. Resistance to the very end is the message that has sent out, images of his body lying in a partially demolished house as Israel basically chose to take him out rather than arrest him as such a situation would surely demand has resonated. It is therefore a political headache for Netanyahu that this is how it went down, that these are the images the world has seen, he would I’m sure have much preferred to have found Sinwar cowering behind refugees being used as human shields, but nothing of the sort was true and they can’t even spin such a narrative as no doubt they would have if those images hadn’t got out.
Israel would have preferred anything frankly than the manner by which Sinwar went down, because just as it was no more true that Hamas were using refugees as human shields, it was also not true that Hamas’s leaders were hiding in tunnels which was the justification for why so many buildings in Gaza were levelled by the IDF, the hospitals, the schools, the churches, the mosques, because they were where Hamas were hiding, these were their bases. Sinwar went down in the one way Israel has determined none of the Hamas leaders ever did – fighting.
As much as people can rightfully question at times the motives and methods of Hamas, committing condemnable acts in and of themselves, the very seizure of hostages on October 7th a war crime as an obvious for instance, but the disproportionate response by Israel opened the eyes of the world to the reality of Israeli occupation. It hasn’t been going on since October 7th, it has been going on for decades right back to the Nakba of 1948, to the 6 day war of 1967 which has had Palestine held under Israeli occupation ever since.
For all the stories we’ll have been told about Sinwar, he was shaped by all of that as so many Palestinians are. He was 5 years old when the Israeli occupation began in 1967, he’s known nothing else really, like so many, three generations of Palestinians who have never been free of Israeli control, so if you wonder why they resist to the lengths whether you agree with them or not, that they go to, you really shouldn’t if you’ve been paying attention to the last year of atrocity and realise it’s been going on for far, far longer.
And if you’re also wondering why so many are grieving Sinwar’s death, why so many have sung his praises, he was the figurehead for resisting all of that. Can you imagine grieving any of our leaders the way Sinwar’s loss is being mourned? That in and of itself should be very telling of what he meant to people living under occupation and whilst Israel may jeer at it and celebrate his death instead, when you realise Sinwar was the symbol for opposing that as all of us are opposing Israeli atrocity unless you are the most hardened and far gone of Zionists of course, you can kind of put yourself in the mindset many Palestinians will have right now.
But this is supposed to be the end now right? Israel has won. It has achieved what it set out to do hasn’t it? Hamas’ leaders are all gone. Time to pack up and go home, that is what we were told would happen wasn’t it? Such is the problem for the West now, as this is how they sold their support for Israel to us the public, long before we really saw the reality of the genocide, the first genocide in history to be played out in real time before all of our eyes via our computers, our laptops, our mobile devices as social media all of a sudden woke a lot of people up to how insulated and protected from such images we had been by our establishment mainstream media. Now they have to justify things not ending, because Benjamin Netanyahu has no intention of stopping now.
Nothing has changed for him. His job, his post, that he covets above all else still depends on war carrying on because the likes of Ben Gvir and Smotrich demand it. Smotrich wants Greater Israel now, conquest all the way to Damascus, there is no sign of Israel stopping now, all of that land theirs by divine right in their fevered minds, the opportunity the Hamas attack of October 7th has offered such hardline far right politicians is too much of an opportunity to miss, and they’ll collapse Netanyahu’s government and put him in the arms of the courts before they let him stop now, not that I personally think he wants to anyway. Lebanon is now in his sights for conquest, Iran is a war in the making are they not?
But for western leaders this is a nightmare. Sinwar’s death heralds them being put in a position where their pro Israel lobbyist backers and donors, will not accept a cessation of support, but support for what is going to happen next, will be politicians breaking their word on when this would all end to their own people. Already Kamala Harris’ unequivocal support to carry on supporting Israel, not changing anything Joe Biden has done before is catastrophically killing off her electoral chances amongst Muslim demographics who typically back the Democrats, offering an opportunity for Donald Trump to pull off a victory, not by backing him, but staying home instead.
Keir Starmer here in the UK, has again, raced to do a speech in light of an Israeli win talking the usual soundbites of this death, which should not be mourned he said, along with calls for a ceasefire, humanitarian aid and a long term plan for peace. It isn’t going to come and as much as this is political positioning on his part to look like he’s saying the right things to us the British public who deplore him, most detested Prime Minister in British history after 100 days in office as he now is, his support will continue for Israel just as Netanyahu will continue to make war on the region.
This all began with politicians, Sunk in our case at the time, but Starmer in agreement that there could be no peace in the region for as long as Hamas was capable of carrying out another October 7th style attack, though of course the scale of that attack and what Hamas were accused of, it has since turned out to have been Israel too in no small part due to carrying out Hannibal Directives to kill their own people rather than let them be taken hostage. Still played down as those facts are.
By accidentally happening upon Sinwar in Rafah and taking him out though, Israel have achieved all this now on the face of it. Hamas is leaderless, though the manner of Sinwar’s death will have hardened resolve and people under occupation will always resist, whether it be Hamas again or something else. A Palestinian state is essential to regional peace, but that requires taking Israel on now and forcing the issue with them, and that simply won’t happen when so many western politicians, from the US, UK, Germany and across the EU are bought and paid for by the Israel Lobby. Yet these politicians have now done what they said they had set out to do, so continuing the war will be anathema to their people, a broken promise to them, and so Sinwar’s death boxes them in. They are required to end matters and their support for Israel, yet won’t be able to and won’t be able to justify that either when this was supposed to be all about Gaza and yet conquering Lebanon next seems to be Israel’s intended aim. Selling the point they need to support Israel to take Hezbollah on next doesn’t quite have the same ring, when they were striking Israel in retaliation for their disproportionate invasion of Gaza, the support isn’t the same, the issue isn’t the same and especially having seen the civilian casualty rate in Gaza, nobody outside political circles supports the IDF anymore actually in my view, than they would support terrorist acts or war crimes perpetrated by Hamas.
And in another TV announcement, Netanyahu turns the screws on his western allies, honest to God a guy who abuses his allies like he does it makes them look all the wetter for still supporting him, because following Sinwar’s death of course he was going to go on TV and shut down any notion of a ceasefire, sounding like a knockoff bible seller being all wrath of God and saying:
‘We have demonstrated today that all those who try to harm us, this is what happens to them. And how the forces of good can always beat the forces of evil and darkness. The war is still ongoing, and it’s costly.’
We’re still waging war, you’d better keep giving us more money to fund it is the message to those who had been talking ceasefire instead, only for the genocidal maniac to pull the rug out from under them yet again.
If Sinwar’s death achieved anything, it was to harden the resolve of those resisting occupation. For the West it damns them to either stop supporting Israel as promised, or carry on unjustifiably with all the consequences that will bring for them at the ballot box.
Where Western leaders now call for an end to the fighting, a ceasefire, it won’t happen, Israel will continue as Netanyahu has said and they’ll support him. It’s only us living in the West that can make our leaders pay for putting Israel first, and we absolutely must if we’re actually going to see a ceasefire because it is only by ending support for those Zionists without qualification and ending the arms sales to Israel by association, ending Israel’s ability to continue that we’ll get anywhere close to a ceasefire. Our politicians will end up still telling us that Israel has a right to defend itself, but that is going to be an increasingly difficult sales pitch now when they are clearly the instigators and aggressors and those they now attack, well, what of their right to defend themselves? The ‘Israel has a right to defend itself’ line will become a ball and chain around those saying it. That will also end up being Yahya Sinwar’s legacy.
Without support, without arms and military aid from the West, Israel is stuffed. Already it’s Iron Dome has been getting beaten more and more often and the reason for that is it is now basically toast, to the point the US have had to step in, all but confirming the dome is done. Check out the details of that story in this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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